unclehobart said:extra fuel, ordinance replacement, chemical gear and umpteen zillion extra desert camo suits, replacement parts, food and water variances,
We use & break those things in training. I can see 4000 cruise missiles, but bullets?
unclehobart said:extra fuel, ordinance replacement, chemical gear and umpteen zillion extra desert camo suits, replacement parts, food and water variances,
unclehobart said:The first gulf war cost like 50 billion.
madrin said:sorry Flavio...when the "estimates are based on figures like forgiven interest made on loans AFTER the war is over, or gems like "lost productivity in the pursuit of non violent protest" ....
I'm sorry...that''s the definition of liberal socialist propaganda...
First of all the definition of "liberal" has nothing to do with "socialist"
madrin said:...uh huh....I think I'll let that one just stand on it's own.
...educate myself...LOL...
First of all the definition of "liberal" has nothing to do with "socialist"
nice work. If I were a mean person I'd point you to a dictionary... but I feel warm and fuzzy tonite
In the future you might make a better point by actually KNOWING what was contained in your evidentiary documentation....in this way you can avoid the appearance of simply parroting sound bites.
....on second thought, I won't hold my breath.
unclehobart said:I always saw liberalism as a thought and attitude rather than legislation. I always saw socialism as the eventual extreme end result methodology to enforce liberal dogma as a matter of punitive law rather than as any kind of extention of the self
outside looking in said:I think it was clear that the reason for calling the war cost estimates liberal socialist whatever propaganda was because the numbers are OBVIOUSLY ludicrous.
I heard it could run into the trillians and "$20,000 per household over the next 10 years" was mentioned on the radio the other day.
.no no....that's liberal socialist propaganda, Flavio... that referred to a study done by two European groups who suggested a war in Iraq would cost almost 3 trillion dollars...to the WORLD....
It's not liberal socialist propaganda....it's an estimate. Has nothing to do with liberalism or socialism.Do you happen to have the official ultra conservative fascist religious right esimates yet?
First of all the definition of "liberal" has nothing to do with "socialist"...and neither word has anything to do with war cost estimates.Why don't you look some of these words up instead of making up your own definitions and educate yourself just a little bit?and then come back with some cost estimates that you like the looks of.
flavio said:outside looking in said:I think it was clear that the reason for calling the war cost estimates liberal socialist whatever propaganda was because the numbers are OBVIOUSLY ludicrous.
What is clear is that you must also prescribe to the notion that "liberal" means "anything I don't agree with". Then continue to jump through incredibly illogical reasoning.