It doesn't matter

okay. start with number one.

frank is a commie. because frank knew some guy that was a member of CPUSA. so do i. i'm not a commie. i also know someone who is developmentally disabled, someone who is a flaming homo, and someone who is significantly overweight. i am none of those things either.

this is a bunch of half-assed bullshit spread by a bunch of know-nothing cheerleader blogs and morons like WND.

well, hey, there's one born every minute.

You have obviously forgotten the words of your parents when they said:

"If you lie down with dogs you are going to get fleas."


"You are known by the company you keep."
okay. start with number one.

frank is a commie. because frank knew some guy that was a member of CPUSA. so do i. i'm not a commie. i also know someone who is developmentally disabled, someone who is a flaming homo, and someone who is significantly overweight. i am none of those things either.

this is a bunch of half-assed bullshit spread by a bunch of know-nothing cheerleader blogs and morons like WND.

well, hey, there's one born every minute.

Hey Minxie, didn't you used to live Detroit at some point? Nice place Detroit, is the happy-land NorthWest a happier place these happy days?

You have obviously forgotten the words of your parents when they said:

"If you lie down with dogs you are going to get fleas."


"You are known by the company you keep."


When you attend a church service administered by a man preaching Black Liberation Theology for 20 years then you, at worst, believe in it, at best, tolerate it. It would be akin to attending a service administered by a preaching anti-Semite.
strangely, even though i post here, i have not turned into a right wing whackjob and/or a dipshit cheerleader.
And an internet forum is similar to 20 year's worth of saturating oneself in radical ideology how?
situating oneself with commies that aren't actually commies.

like i said before, i spent YEARS in a similar social milieu, and i ain't no commie.

you see, when you actually engage with the world rather than hiding from it behind pom poms, you run into all kinds of people.
yes, they are the people that actually do meaningful work rather than simply reproduce and then whine a lot.

When you attend a church service administered by a man preaching Black Liberation Theology for 20 years then you, at worst, believe in it, at best, tolerate it. It would be akin to attending a service administered by a preaching anti-Semite.


Birds of a feather flock together.


Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.
i'm not. i have plenty of dislike for certain policies of his.

but i'm also not an irrational idiot looking to take any shot i can at someone because i don't like him for reasons that are socially unacceptable to admit.
but i'm also not an irrational idiot looking to take any shot i can at someone because i don't like him for reasons that are socially unacceptable to admit.

Ooooooh! A call-out post! Call these, as previously referred to, "Idiots" out by name. :evil2:
Where is the link? What is this list for? Where does it come from?

Sorry, I can't take this seriously. Looks like one of those bullshit emails I get from old ladies my step-mother knows. Just like the ones that claim Einstein was a religious fanatic that defended gawd against his Atheist professors. (Also bullshit.) So, no offense intended, I can't really take any of the below post seriously without a link to a serious, established reference. I'm sure you understand. :)

The reason that Obama is in the White House is because McCain was shanked by the Republicans when they saddled him with that political anchor, Palin. People had been subject to far right Reactionary rhetoric too long and had shifted to the middle. The Republicans didn't notice that the political wind had shifted. I was leaning toward voting for McCain until Palin was named his running mate. That sealed the deal for me (and many other middle of the road folks). No one wants some crazy, ignorant freak a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
You need a link to verify the claims of a list? Google is your friend.

I recall each & every one of those claims (save the grandparents/socialist thing). They're legit.