It doesn't matter

You need a link to verify the claims of a list? Google is your friend.

I recall each & every one of those claims (save the grandparents/socialist thing). They're legit.
It's not my responsibility to find links for your threads. But I took your advice and found it...
LOL! Really?
This is only one blog you'll find this opinion... or whatever it is.
It's all over the internet on blogs, so I think I got it right when I said it was one of those forwarded emails the old ladies send around that makes it's way around the internet. (I'm wondering when it's going to end up in my inbox.)

None of it should be taken seriously. I went to a Catholic school where kids were enrolled who were not Catholic. Some of the parents enrolled the kids as Catholic to make sure they got in. The local public schools were thick with drugs and violence and anyone with the money to get their kids a decent education did so. My mom, a single mom, worked nights to make sure we had this education.

No one has asked for any other presidential candidate's birth certificate. This request was shocking. After much brouhaha the birth certificate was produced, verified and confirmed yet there are still morons who keep claiming the birth certificate is false (I got that "birther" email from my elderly aunt who believes any bullshit she's told).
Citizenship by birth (INA § 301, 8 USC § 1401)
The US law on citizenship by birth incorporates two traditional legal principles:
* ius soli ("right of the soil"), under which citizenship results from being born in the US, and
* ius sanguinis ("right of the blood"), under which citizenship results from having an American parent or parents.
Section 301 of the INA [8 USC § 1401] defines the following classes of people as having US citizenship from the time of birth:
* anyone born in the US and subject to its jurisdiction (basically meaning anyone other than a child of foreign government representatives with diplomatic immunity);
* Indians and other aboriginal people born in the US;
* anyone born outside the US, if at least one parent is a US citizen and certain residency or physical presence requirements were fulfilled by the citizen parent or parents prior to the child's birth;
* anyone who is found in the US while under five years of age, whose parents cannot be identified, and who is not shown prior to his or her 21st birthday to have been born outside the US.

Just the facts, ma'am. Check out the headlines. I care not where the article came from.
And read the article. There was little controversy over McCain's birth certificate as there was with Barak Obama. Barak Obama provided his birth certificate, it was verified and confirmed (as was McCain's) and there are still people ("birthers") who claim he is not a "natural born" citizen though he clearly qualifies (see my below post listing the law regarding citizenship). This is obviously because those that don't understand the law are quick to disregard it.

Edit: Didn't realize there was a page 2...
"Curiously enough, there is no record of McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone Health Department's bound birth registers, which are publicly available at the National Archives in College Park. A search of the "Child Born Abroad" records of the U.S. consular service for August 1936 included many U.S. citizens born in the Canal Zone but did not turn up any mention of John McCain. "
Not quite sure why he's still there.
Who? Spike? in KK? I thought all that was done with and he was cleared for all forums. What gives?

I read his point by point on the below email/blog opinion piece. It was very good.

BTW, in some ways I wish Obama WAS Muslim so that all these small minded people who keep pointing to the possibility of him not being Christian would have the spotlight shine down upon their bigotry and intolerance.

Who gives a flying fuck what religion he subscribes to? Why would that matter? I vote for Christians all the time and it doesn't matter to me. I'm not sure why it matters to Christians whether or not the politician running for a position is a Christian or not. I know some will say it proves that the person they vote for has the same ethics but I've known thieving, lying, adulterous Christians who would stab you in the back without blinking an eye. Subscription to a religion doesn't make you moral, it just makes you a subscriber.
Who gives a flying fuck what religion he subscribes to?
I do.

Why would that matter?
yep, it's an ethics thing

I vote for Christians all the time and it doesn't matter to me.
that's You

I'm not sure why it matters to Christians whether or not the politician running for a position is a Christian or not.
I know youy don't, because you aren't in that group.

I know some will say it proves that the person they vote for has the same ethics but I've known thieving, lying, adulterous Christians who would stab you in the back without blinking an eye.
no you don' know people that SAY/claim to be...

Subscription to a religion doesn't make you moral, it just makes you a subscriber.
Subcription? no...Reaity in (Christian)?, Yes.
I do.
yep, it's an ethics thing
that's You
I know youy don't, because you aren't in that group.
But you are (in the group that votes based on religion) ... and that's what worries me about your group (see your answer above). You only care that the politician claims to be a Christian. You do not care what values/ethics they really follow or how they will support the community as a whole. It's why America is in the toilet.
no you don' know people that SAY/claim to be...
Yes, I do. They go to church on Sundays. They proclaim they are Christians (just like you do). And they condemn anyone who is not a Christian. Yet they are as immoral and unethical as anyone I've ever met. Intolerance, hatred, lying, adultery, thievery (and justified, to boot). It's disgusting.
Subcription? no...Reaity in (Christian)?, Yes.
eh? Not sure what you meant here.
But you are (in the group that votes based on religion) ... and that's what worries me about your group (see your answer above). You only care that the politician claims to be a Christian. You do not care what values/ethics they really follow or how they will support the community as a whole.
I don't see how you extrapolated your conclusion there from the part of what I said you pointed to.
seem about the same fuzzy logic to me

Yes, I do. They go to church on Sundays. They proclaim they are Christians (just like you do). And they condemn anyone who is not a Christian. Yet they are as immoral and unethical as anyone I've ever met. Intolerance, hatred, lying, adultery, thievery (and justified, to boot). It's disgusting.
There's the point....
"you will know them by their works"
not words only
"not all that say lord lord, shall enter in"
and...Jesus said...
"many shall come in my name..." (false followers, and false prophets)
I don't see how you extrapolated your conclusion there from the part of what I said you pointed to.
seem about the same fuzzy logic to me

There's the point....
"you will know them by their works"
not words only
"not all that say lord lord, shall enter in"
and...Jesus said...
"many shall come in my name..." (false followers, and false prophets)
These same people would argue the point for themselves as Christians. Their position would be as valid (to them) as yours is to you.

Think of it this way: the Muslims who have committed acts of terrorism believe they are devout Muslims. However, the majority of Muslims believe they have tarnished the religion and shamed themselves in the eyes of their god. Each has their point of view and would argue against the other, just like you and the other group would argue as well.

I did not make it up, but perhaps I misunderstood your response.
Me: "Who gives a flying fuck what religion he subscribes to?"
You: "I do"
Me: "Why would that matter?"
You: "yep, it's an ethics thing"
Me: "I vote for Christians all the time and it doesn't matter to me."
You: "that's You"
Me: "I'm not sure why it matters to Christians whether or not the politician running for a position is a Christian or not."
You: "I know youy don't, because you aren't in that group."
My interpretation.
It matters to you if a politician claims to be "Christian" because it tells you, a Christian-only voter, that he/she is an ethical person, regardless of anything else.

If that's the case, Obama has claimed to be a Christian and was raised to be a Christian and has attended a Christian church. He claims allegiance to your religion. You should stand by him just like any other Christian.

I don't vote that way, I don't let someone cloak themselves in a label to get a vote. I delve into who that person is separately from their attachment to a group and I explore the issues they stand for. Will this person do what's right by this country and the people who make it up? Will that person follow the constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers? Does this person have a history of violations of liberty and/or justice? Is this person in the pocket of private industry or lobbyists?
It matters to you if a politician claims to be "Christian" because it tells you, a Christian-only voter, that he/she is an ethical person, regardless of anything else.

interpretation = fail

It mainly matters to me because I know they will protect my freedom to worship ...period.

Your trying too hard to read between lines that aren't there.