It is with reluctance


molṑn labé
Staff member
that I post this story. I am unsure whether I'm unhappy they haven't been found. On one hand, it means they aren't a threat. On the other, with all international intel saying they exist(ed), where the hell are they?

ok-start bashing. Just remember, the Iraqi people are better off today that they were 6 months ago.

Frustrated, U.S. Arms Team to Leave Iraq
Task Force Unable To Find Any Weapons

By Barton Gellman Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 11, 2003; Page A01

BAGHDAD -- The group directing all known U.S. search efforts for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is winding down operations without finding proof that President Saddam Hussein kept clandestine stocks of outlawed arms, according to participants.

The 75th Exploitation Task Force, as the group is formally known, has been described from the start as the principal component of the U.S. plan to discover and display forbidden Iraqi weapons. The group's departure, expected next month, marks a milestone in frustration for a major declared objective of the war.

Leaders of Task Force 75's diverse staff -- biologists, chemists, arms treaty enforcers, nuclear operators, computer and document experts, and special forces troops -- arrived with high hopes of early success. They said they expected to find what Secretary of State Colin L. Powell described at the U.N. Security Council on Feb. 5 -- hundreds of tons of biological and chemical agents, missiles and rockets to deliver the agents, and evidence of an ongoing program to build a nuclear bomb.

Survey teams have combed laboratories and munitions plants, bunkers and distilleries, bakeries and vaccine factories, file cabinets and holes in the ground where tipsters advised them to dig. Most of the assignments came with classified "target folders" describing U.S. intelligence leads. Others, known as the "ad hocs," came to the task force's attention by way of plausible human sources on the ground.

The hunt will continue under a new Iraq Survey Group, which the Bush administration has said is a larger team. But the organizers are drawing down their weapons staffs for lack of work, and adding expertise for other missions.

State-of-the-art biological and chemical labs, shrunk to fit standard cargo containers, came equipped with enough supplies to run thousands of tests using DNA fingerprinting and mass spectrometry. They have been called upon no more than a few dozen times, none with a confirmed hit. The labs' director, who asked not to be identified, said some of his scientists were also going home.

Even the sharpest skeptics do not rule out that the hunt may eventually find evidence of banned weapons. The most significant unknown is what U.S. interrogators are learning from senior Iraqi scientists, military industrial managers and Iraqi government leaders now in custody. If the nonconventional arms exist, some of them ought to know. Publicly, the Bush administration has declined to discuss what the captured Iraqis are saying. In private, U.S. officials provide conflicting reports, with some hinting at important disclosures. Cambone also said U.S. forces have seized "troves of documents" and are "surveying them, triaging them" for clues.

Washington Post
It's still early yet...You're talking about a country with as many square kilometers as California...
I have no doubt they exist. I am worried that they have been "loaned" out. Either way, the story is out there & some of our guys are leaving. :shrug:
It´s pretty clear now that Iraq wasn´t much of a threat to the international community after the first Gulf War. The Al-Qaeda link will prove to be as weak, I believe.

the Iraqi people are better off today that they were 6 months ago
True, but that isn´t all that relevant. Let´s see what happens when Al-Hakim or someone like him turns Iraq into another "Taliban country". Make no mistake: the concept of democracy is totally alien to the Iraqi, they will help in turning Iraq into another islamic regime, unless the allies keep an iron grip on things over there for years.
I just hope some have learned that its not always bad to question what our government tells us.....
The US and England are also looking to control the country for at least another year.

More lies.
Did you really believe that there was WMd's ? And if there were any don't you think Hussien would have used them long before any war developed? It was another bullshit lie out of that little twurp Bush's mouth! When Bush said when asked how many reasons do you need to invade Iraq ..his answer was ...."theres 710 reasons " ........turn 710 upside down and it says OIL ! If you believe that there was any other motivation to invade Iraq ...Santa comes on dec 25 . Bush and his croanies wanted Iraq the same way he tried to get his hands on alaska thank Christ he's been stopped so far! Halliburton's cash register has broke the bell in it from all the bucks that they stole so far and while we'er talking the end of this month the national dept is at one trillion dollars and will become over due at the end of may(thats this month) in case in don't know what month it is! And as far as the Iraqies being any happier or better off .........better stop listening to Bush controled press releases thats all Bush bullshit those people aren't any happier now then a year ago ...they don't give a shit about democracy or freedom they have lived that way since jump street and will continue to live that way unless theres outsiders butting in! It all comes down to how much oil we can get out of them in the time we occupy their country. Bush says now we will stay a nice will that be for the Bush-croanies! This wasn't any war on terrorism or WMD's or any other noble reasons. This was a CORPERATE WAR! When did we start becoming a aggressive nation that invades other countrys for their resources ? And allow a president to go against its people.
It seems that the whole world minus USA/Britain would agree with you, JohnB1000.

I´d say that some healthy scepticism regarding government and media is a good thing. We just don´t have access to accurate information about anything, and I´m not the "faithful" type.
Except when it comes to sex/relationships ;)
JohnB1000 said:
Did you really believe that there was WMd's ?

Did & still do. It wasn't just the US & Britain. Almost all countries had intel that they exist. We were the only ones willing to put our ass on the line.

If you despise Bush so badly, work to get him out of office. Just don't follow the rhetoric that this was about oil. It's boring.
I am working to get him out of office! unless he rigs another election like he did last time at bat. but anyone with common sense can see that he will sink his own ship. He's doing that right now as we all watch and see the news . Day by day he falls further behind in all the important polls half the nation right now can't stand him. Truth is come the end of this month the spam will hit the fan when this dept becomes due .......a trillion dollars. Geeze a few years back there was a three year surplus. Didn't take long for that putz to spread all the bucks around to his croanies....(Halliburton.......kellogg, brown and roots) and a few others. If this keeps up soon we will be the ones who will need to barrow from other countrys. I wonder if we could barrow some of that Hitler money his Grandfather had.......geeze I doupt it but didn't a senate investigation seize all that money or maybe they had some in foriegn banks. Or maybe Bush himself has some to lend his country God knows he made a killing with the texas rangers ball club and enron too. Maybe Dick Cheney can bail us out he can tap old Halliburton for some green backs oh thats right he isn't with them anymore.........right........well at any rate come may 31st all that money will become due and if we don't pay up we will serious hurt our credability to barrow. All the foriegn trade will go out the window and american dollar will fall in value like a rock. So when you tell me to work to get your bossom buddy out of office ...I won't have to he will do it for me! Come 2004 the Dem's will cruise into the presidency and clean up this bush mess..........oh yeah that word rhetoric......he he still into old raegan crap huh? ........guess its a republican thing
Did & still do.
Do you really think that they´ll be finding nuclear weapons and long-range missiles loaded with chemicals in Iraq or Siria?

Then I forgot that the term WMD now means anything more dangerous than a pocketknife.
guess i'll have to re-read johnb100's post in the a.m., when i'm sober, to see if it makes any sense....
jeez john, I like that 710 upside down thing. I bet you believe we never went to the moon as well, right? And that magic-eye pictures are a hoax? And do you wear a tinfoil hat?

Sorry, couldn't resist. I love when people make connections out of mundane stuff like that... OH MY! There's a Bible code! :D
Squiggy said:
I just hope some have learned that its not always bad to question what our government tells us.....
I prefer to just continue thinking for myself, regardless of what the current administration is saying. Why does this news change anything and what should I have "learned?"
JohnB1000 said:
unless he rigs another election

:rofl2: Pullleasssse.

JohnB1000 said:
Geeze a few years back there was a three year surplus.

Wrong! There was a projected 10 year surplus. Don't believe everything you read, because it's over your head. We are not now nor have we been out of debt in about 100 years. Get over it.

JohnB1000 said:
guess its a republican thing

I wouldn't know. I'm not Republican.

You spout the same old tired crap (rhetoric) that has been spewed forth for years. I'm waiting for you to say the Republicans are going to starve the elderly & some schoolchildren. When you have a fresh argument & facts to back them up, I'll listen, until then, go read James Carvilles new talking points (well, old new talking points.
G4 said:
Do you really think that they´ll be finding nuclear weapons and long-range missiles loaded with chemicals in Iraq or Siria?

Nukes-no. Long-Range missiles-no. I do think they've found enough circumstantial evidence to show he has/had them. As asked before, where are they now?
i thought iraq did have the weapons? thats what ive been hearing but hussein isnt dumb enough to use them since if he did the EU and america prolly woulda kicked his ass. since he didnt only america did. and i did and still say oil is one reason but not the only one to invade iraq. but it wasnt totally altruistic intentions.
Why do people insist this war was fought over oil? It shows no thought process or logic at all. The US has never been a big importer of Iraqi oil, because we've got better links to Kuwait, Venezuela, and Mexico. Please come up with some facts instead of parroting protest placards.
It's good to see I'm not the only one who knows that the US gets most of its oil from the Western Hemisphere.

Weren't the scud missiles he fired into Kuwait this time supposed to be gone as per the 1991 agreement?