It is with reluctance

Gato_Solo said:
Which politician. If you're going to post the quote, you should post the source as well, or it will be written off as liberal rhetoric, or pure idiocy.

Easily distinguished from the conservative rhetoric or pure idiocy that gets thousands of people killed over obvious lies ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Why do people insist this war was fought over oil? It shows no thought process or logic at all. The US has never been a big importer of Iraqi oil, because we've got better links to Kuwait, Venezuela, and Mexico. Please come up with some facts instead of parroting protest placards.

oil is an abundant resource of the middle east.its just more oil for us. i never said we didnt have other resources for oil but the middle east is yet another.
Hey, Gato_Solo!

Which politician. If you're going to post the quote, you should post the source as well, or it will be written off as liberal rhetoric, or pure idiocy.
Fair enough. A little bit of scepticism over what we are told is good. Especially when dealing with hipothesis like Iraq having WMDs after '91, which is what this thread is all about. ;) But I appreciate your suggestion that I be as accurate as possible when quoting other people.

Oil is much too important a commodity to be left in the hands of the Arabs
Henry Kissinger
Fair enough. Henry Kissinger said that? Interesting, but not all that important since he's not actively involved in the government ATM...

freako said:
oil is an abundant resource of the middle east.its just more oil for us. i never said we didnt have other resources for oil but the middle east is yet another.

Not really a good argument, as it's easier to get the oil from other sources closer to the US. Perhaps if we were in Europe, that argument would be better. ;)

Back to the WMD discussion...

In another thread, I gave a rather detailed analogy about a 30 X 30 foot lawn, and searching for a chicken bone with a teaspoon. I still stick to that analogy about finding WMD's. You can't expect to find WMD's in a country with thousands of square miles without a thourough search. What we have found, though not the weapons themselves, is rather damning. Most folks tend to think that, if we don't find a complete lab and functioning weapons, that we are wrong. I'll say this once more. We will find some, and, when we do, those same doubters will probably say that we put them there. It's a no-win situation either way you cut it, and is it fair? No, but that's politics, and in politics it's never facts. It's all about appearances...
freako104 said:
so even tho we didnt find the weapons we could attack since he was a threat to his own people?

I never said that, freako. I only said that, for the moment, we can't find them.
I heard an interesting perspective today...If the Bush White House were lying about WMDs, wouldn't we have found quite a nice cache by now? If they were lying, then wouldn't they be willing to plant some?
Pretty twisted... perspective.

Why bother to plant proof etc? Why bother to search inch by inch for those weapons? They already have what they wanted.
Gonz said:
I heard an interesting perspective today...If the Bush White House were lying about WMDs, wouldn't we have found quite a nice cache by now? If they were lying, then wouldn't they be willing to plant some?

A possibility sure. Awfully dangerous scenario though.

Probably safer to try to divert the publics attention until they get wrapped up in the next dating reality show.
i heard another idea this evening. given the incredibly insecure nature of iraq at the moment and given that nobody knows where saddams weapons are doesn't that effectively open them up to collection and distribution to all manner of interested parties?
one of the precepts for attacking the hussein regime was alledged links to terrorist organisations and potential supply of deadly weapons to those groups. it might just be that through the actions of the conflict those groups get hold of the weapons that much sooner.
With several tens of thousands of soldiers on the ground? Possible but not likely. I lean more toward the he already gave them away theory.
the several tens of thousands of troops have shown that so far they can't police a paper bag. baghdad espcially is incredibly unstable, one of the few successful cities security-wise is mosul and that is one small city out of many and is a joint iraqi-us policing.