It only works one way


Southern Discomfort
From and the quoted source.

A high school near Chicago is denouncing as inappropriate and a huge error in judgment an opinion piece in the student newspaper there that questioned the need for Black History Month, reports the Chicago Daily Herald.

Students and officials at Wheaton North High School are outraged at the piece in the Falcon Flyer that called the annual event racist against Caucasians.

"Black History Month is a good idea ... but why are African-Americans the only ones honored with a month about their history?" the column said in part. "Caucasian Americans are not being accepted into the college of their dreams because a less qualified minority has taken their place."

School officials said the piece sparked racial tension in the school and brought to light the need for diversity and sensitivity training for all students.


1. The author is absolutely correct. I have zero problem with Black History Month. But why is there no Caucasian History Month then? Or Hispanic? Or Norwegian?

2. So the thoughts of one person is tantamount to "sensitivity and diversity training" being necessary for everyone? Careful with that line of thinking...some crafty Appalachian American might get bored some day and use that logic to force everyone in Chicago schools to start learning how to clog. All in the name of diversity donchaknow.

3. Unless and until all Americans start practicing what they preach and shift the aim toward true equality instead of paying lip service to it and in reality promoting the notion of Self Elevated Equality (I and those like me are more equal than you), there will be no progress. From either perspective.
1. The author is absolutely correct. I have zero problem with Black History Month. But why is there no Caucasian History Month then? Or Hispanic? Or Norwegian?

thats a good question. Seems almost hypocritical since having a caucasian history month would likely end up being called racist(even if it is not done with racism in mind). Hispanic? that would likely not get called racist but then why isnt there a month for them?
the need for diversity and sensitivity training for all students

Piss off.

St Patricks Day - Irish, Catholics
Cinco de Mayo - Mexicans
Columbus Day - Italians
MLK DAy/February - Black History Month

Any other special interest holidays
Gonz said:
Piss off.

St Patricks Day - Irish, Catholics
Cinco de Mayo - Mexicans
Columbus Day - Italians
MLK DAy/February - Black History Month

Any other special interest holidays

You mean besides the religious ones?
[SnP on his soapbox]

Has it not occurred to anyone else that every time these goofballs start clamoring for "diversity training" and for "sensitivity training" on some piece of crap like this, that those very people are demonstrating their own racial biases and fears of blacks as a whole? Instead of saying what is really on their minds, to wit: "I don't understand black people, and I am afraid of them. I don't want to be seen negatively either. What can I do?", they start reciting this shit about diversity training.

Let's just examine that phrase, shall we? Diversity. Noun. Differences.

That is what the word means people. Differences. Not superiorities. Not deficiencies. Differences. As in not exactly like one's self.

Do we really need to be trained to understand that we are different from one another? I would hope to God that there is not another living soul identical to myself or anyone else.

So. Diversity just means differences. I can get with that. Now. Training. Noun. The teaching of novel information to another.

Then diversity training boils down to this: Somebody is going to tell me that another person is not the same as I am.

Dayum. Stop the presses.

Let's call it what it really is. It ain't diversity training. It's indoctrination. It's compelled and forced acceptance. It's all about accepting those different than ourselves, but nowhere is it mentioned that they should tolerate us.

Being a heterosexual right handed non-albino caucasian male is being taught as the same as being wrong.

If I am to tolerate, accept, and embrace others, which I do until given reason not to by nature anyway, then why are others not taught to reciprocate?

Oh. Because we owe them something. Why? Did I own slaves and not know it? Have I gone out sleepwalking and unknowingly beaten homosexuals? Is the fact that I am a penis bearing homo sapien somehow incumbant that I owe a debt to non-penis bearing homo sapiens? Who decided that the male was the one in the wrong? Oh. A woman. Go figure.

Who decided that heterosexuals owed something to the homosexuals? Oh. A homosexual made that determination. Go figure.

And of course we all know who decided that whole black/white thing.

So. By the simple fact that I was created by my Maker a white male with natural sexual urges that propogate the species, I am somehow flawed and in dire need of some enlightened soul to come teach me how fucked in the head I am and that every aspect of my being cries out for reprogramming. Despite the fact that I have never harmed anyone. Never repressed women, never got in a black person's way, never stopped a homosexual from doing whatever it is they find so appealing about that choice of lifestyle. Still, by my makeup, I am in need of training. Because I am a racist, sexist bastard.

See the hypocrisy yet? Anyone else hearing pots calling kettles black now?

All this hoohah about diversity training is simply an outgrowth of people afraid of what they are. Afraid to say that they don't like aspects of certain cultures or lifestyles, so that must mean that the rest of us are really fucked up if they themselves have hangups, cuz we all know they can't be must be the rest of us, right?

What bullshit. And the vast majority of y'all just buy right into it. Accept phrases like "sensitivity issues" into the popular vernacular without a single thought. Never even pausing to realize that silence equals compliance and acceptance, even while the vocal minority is shouting down your very essence in the name of their agenda. Easier just to nod and go along with the herd.

That kind of mentality leads lambs to slaughter daily, you know.

I'm not advocating hate. I'm not trying to hurt anyone. I'm just sick to death of being told how wrong everything about me is. I'm tired of some fruitcake telling me I need training simply because I am not like them. I refuse to accept that you are right and I am wrong simply because you say it's that way. Do I think I am superior to others simply because I am a heterosexual white male? Absolutely not. I have my strengths, my weaknesses, and my faults. Just like you. Why is that not good enough for so many people anymore?

[/SnP on his soapbox]
[SnP popping another brick into the hermit retreat]
Indeed, we are the puppet people.

I think all white heterosexual males should rise up and put everyone in their place. no wait.......I think I need some diversity and sensitivity training or castration in other words.

Politically correct, because I'm too afraid to address an issue.
Remember when the heteroesxual, causacian male ran things & it all worked like it's suposed to?
Gonz said:
Remember when the heteroesxual, causacian male ran things & it all worked like it's suposed to?

Yep. The Dark Ages, the Inquisition, forced ignorance, death to anyone who disagrees... You're right, it was all so much better then. :lloyd:
Wow iffin' I were a Black Dood
I'd want my "history" to be forgotten about.

I'd want to be judged as a non-hyphenated American
and not some former slave \ savage.

I'd not want the facts of reality of today to be mentioned.

Lowest SAT scores
Largest proportion of the people on welfare
Highest dropout rates
Lowest percentage of college enrollment
Highest rate of teenage pregnancy and single parent households
3 out of 4 blacks born out of wedlock
12% of the population 50% of the prison population.

and on and on and on...

Nope Iffin' I were black I'd want to be judged on my merits
and not on the 'history' of the people that had the same skin color as I.
But then that's just me.
When people knew where they stood :D Of course I'm white hetrosexual and male so I might be slightly biased on this.
chcr said:
Yep. The Dark Ages, the Inquisition, forced ignorance, death to anyone who disagrees... You're right, it was all so much better then. :lloyd:

Ya bet yer bippy, chummy
Winky said:
Wow iffin' I were a Black Dood
I'd want my "history" to be forgotten about.

So history can be repeated? No thanks.

Winky said:
I'd want to be judged as a non-hyphenated American
and not some former slave \ savage.

Savage? Perhaps you need to look at history as well. Wars are wars. Just because some groups used spears instead of guns, they're called savages? That, like the term 'tribe' is condescending. Tribes are the same as countries.

Winky said:
I'd not want the facts of reality of today to be mentioned.

Lowest SAT scores

Mine was 1470

Winky said:
Largest proportion of the people on welfare

Wrong. That would be caucasians, but go on...

Winky said:
Highest dropout rates

That would be Hispanics...

Winky said:
Lowest percentage of college enrollment

Perhaps, but not going to college isn't a bad thing. Most college applicants and graduates are female, anyway. What's your point?

Winky said:
Highest rate of teenage pregnancy and single parent households
3 out of 4 blacks born out of wedlock
12% of the population 50% of the prison population.

and on and on and on...

Why be responsible, when you have facts like the ones you stated bandied about? :rolleyes:

Winky said:
Nope Iffin' I were black I'd want to be judged on my merits
and not on the 'history' of the people that had the same skin color as I.
But then that's just me.

I wish you were black...then you might understand that your bias isn't helping anybody.
Heh heh heh Good ones.
Proves me points.

It would be best to deny Black history instead.
Yeah if mah people were former slaves
I'd a wanna have everyone fergit about it.

Not throw it up in their faces!
chcr said:
Yep. The Dark Ages, the Inquisition, forced ignorance, death to anyone who disagrees... You're right, it was all so much better then. :lloyd:

only if you hate dissonance ;) remember back then it was our way or your dead.

Gato: as true as your statements were, I think they fall on deaf ears. Not saying you are wrong(I actually agree with you on some of the points and the others are true facts) but I dont think he will care. I dont think any history should be denied. If we ignore history or do not learn from it we are doomed to repeat it. But I think all groups of people have their own histories that should be remembered and even celebrated
Yeah in this isolated case Whites ran into the Black area
and burnt stuff up.
The normal procedure is for the Blacks to burn down their own neighborhoods ain't it?
Winky said:
Yeah in this isolated case Whites ran into the Black area
and burnt stuff up.
The normal procedure is for the Blacks to burn down their own neighborhoods ain't it?

there was a time they did that yes