It pisses me off

highwayman said:
Had heard a story not too long ago about a farmer out here needed help for the pick, so instead of using the mexican mofia he went through a temp office for the pickers and specified who he wanted. I think he said documented workers only. Most who showed up were white with a few blacks, 70% walked off the job the first day and 95% didn't show up the next day.
Can you find out more details on that story?

When I was 15, I worked in an orchard picking apples. I was going to try
to make some money to buy my first car.
They paid by the bushel, not the hour. I worked one season. I saw others walk off,
or just work when they wanted.
If the pay had been higher, there would have been better workers, but the
other main drawback was the forman...a real asshole.
When you have someone who doesn't speak english, or pretends not to, they
won't get as much flack it seems.
Anyway, I'm just saying...there's more to it sometimes than just a simple story, or statistics.

If REAL hard times come back around like what I heard in the depression,
some people might be surprised at what jobs they'd do.

I've done some way worse jobs myself, than picking fruit.

edit: oh I just happen to think ....if He went to the temp, and wanted documented
workers, that means W2s/taxes, not cash, so those workers probably
weren't even bringing home nearly as much pay. :shrug:
catocom said:
Can you find out more details on that story?

It was a story I heard when I was pulling reefers and was only by word of mouth. It was at a vineyard in Washington were I was loading at that the owner was complaining about the lack of pickers.
Allow me to clarify here for the general population... by "reefer" highwayman means a truck with a refrigerated trailer. Whether he was lightin' up the doobies or not is not known.
catocom said:
How much do you pay for a steak?

I buy VERY few steaks...just because of this reason (last time T-bones were on sale we bought six, at $3.99 each instead of the usual $6.99+)
Unc said:
The underpaid Mexicana element

Add in housing, transportation & meals to a adds up to a relativelty decent wage, considering it's a temp job. It's still shitty unskilled manual labor. As Cat pointed out, even a 15 year old can do it.

Ever wonder how companies like wallmart have such "great prices everyday
Lower profit percentage in trade for higher volume?
Gonz said:
I buy VERY few steaks...just because of this reason (last time T-bones were on sale we bought six, at $3.99 each instead of the usual $6.99+)
Slightly higher here right now, but ....
you made my point, I just forgot what the point was I was getting at now. :retard3:
(back in one of my fuzzy days now, so far)
You were pointing out how overpriced beef is, due in part to union meat packers.
I was?
I dunno, I think I was just comparing the prices to show...
might be more substantial of a, or more people buy it more often...
like milk, bread....
To me strawberries are really kind of a luxury thing anyway, and it's lower than
the stuff we buy all the time.
er somp-um like that. :lloyd:
alright, pay American farmworkers what they're worth & your bread will be $6.99 loaf. Milk is already more expensive than gasoline. Imagine, having to pay $2.99 lb for peas & then having to eat the damned things :(
Nah I bought a gallon of milk today for a buck seventy-seven

And Ford is laying off 30K workers and closing all its domestic manufacturing plants

tell me why we need more illiterate non-english speakin' people flooding in illegally again?
I still say, more machinery, not unskilled labor, is the answer.
Oh sure there's always going to be 'some' jobs for the 'unskilled' people,
as it should be. I'm just saying, if there's not enough unskilled Americans
to do some jobs.....Adjust.
Winky said:
Nah I bought a gallon of milk today for a buck seventy-seven

And Ford is laying off 30K workers and closing all its domestic manufacturing plants

tell me why we need more illiterate non-english speakin' people flooding in illegally again?
I don't know. 'Cuz the president said so?
Well mah President does think wetbacks are a
good thang, they are a Big votin' block ya know!

Don't mean I gotta agree with him on this one, tho

Ya know?
Besides it is all part of the evil Right-Wing plan.

We need someone to pay the SSI checks to the Baby Boomers.

Let's let all the beanners in here let em' werk like dawgs
with fake Social Security #'s and pay for our retirements!
Winky said:
Besides it is all part of the evil Right-Wing plan.

We need someone to pay the SSI checks to the Baby Boomers.

Let's let all the beanners in here let em' werk like dawgs
with fake Social Security #'s and pay for our retirements!

Actually, that sounds more to the point. OTOH, I really don't think they think that far ahead. ;)
Winky said:
Nah I bought a gallon of milk today for a buck seventy-seven

And Ford is laying off 30K workers and closing all its domestic manufacturing plants

tell me why we need more illiterate non-english speakin' people flooding in illegally again?
well... if we had more illiterate non-english speakin' people flooding in, then dairy farmers wouldnt have to pay for all those expensive automated cow milking machines and then there would be a market for all the cheap POS vehicles that Ford builds and they wouldnt have to close the plants.

10 to 20 million ain't enough for ya already?

as for driving tell me about it

in many parts of this town you've got to watch out for the
uninsured no license can't speak english nor read it hit and run illegals

yeah we've one of the highest car theft rates

and the highest insurance rates in the nation

coming too a theatre near you, soon...