it takes faith to be ignorant

"it takes faith to be ignorant"

We hold these truths to be self-evident:

those who believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Satan
(oh yeah and that Allah guy)

Aren’t too Bright.

and That is the crux of the matter right there...

Man's rational vs God's rational.

Many times God's rational looks foolish to man, so
the more people make it out to be foolishness, the more the point is made.

So, where Does the truth lay? In the Bible.
If it's not in there, it doesn't matter much, and that's why I say ML has nothing
to do with it. His name appears nowhere in there.
That's Man's documentation stuff.
Heaven sounds even better....

"They are neither married, or given in marriage"

Sounds like it's unlimited then.:p
It takes ignorance to be faithful

That’s just it, to an atheist the 7th century primitive who blows himself to bits for the promise of virgins
isn’t any different than the Christian who thinks he’s going to heaven
or scientologists’ belief in thetans!


and That is the crux of the matter right there...

Man's rational vs God's rational.

Many times God's rational looks foolish to man, so
the more people make it out to be foolishness, the more the point is made.

So, where Does the truth lay? In the Bible.
If it's not in there, it doesn't matter much, and that's why I say ML has nothing
to do with it. His name appears nowhere in there.
That's Man's documentation stuff.

you seem very, very confused. but in a way you're picking up on what wonderboy isn't... phrased in your charming idiolect.
yeah, totally. wouldn't want facts and rationality to get in the way of irrational faith/superstition.

What makes your non-belief any better, or more realistic than his belief? I've always had trouble with that from the atheist argument.
good point.

what makes you think i do or don't believe anything in particular and/or that i'm not just playing around with various concepts? is "rational" better than "irrational?"

rationality has many flaws, particularly when fetishized and full of latent value judgments... and in fact such uses are quite self-contradictory and pretty funny most of the time...

and "realistic," well, is full of potential sillyness too, particularly in the context of what is mythical.

the "foundational flaw" is speaking or writing in ways that either directly claim or suggest that rationality, science, facts, or knowledge have any bearing on faith. they don't. on the flip side someone is trying to find flaws in a survey design to counter the idea that those of faith don't know much, when it really doesn't mater if they know much or not. the entire thing is moot. i find athiests who are wrapped up in trying to "prove" that religion is silly to be very entertaining. they often shove their beliefs, shrouded as non-beliefs but fully vested in the (irrational) faith of rationality, down others' throats just as vigorously as any overly-avid christian.
i find athiests who are wrapped up in trying to "prove" that religion is silly to be very entertaining. they often shove their beliefs, shrouded as non-beliefs but fully vested in the (irrational) faith of rationality, down others' throats just as vigorously as any overly-avid christian.

Which is what it appeared to me. If I am wrong, please accept my apology.
i was just trying to spark conversation. if have a core belief, it is one that eschews any form of orthodoxy, be it that of a religious zealot, that of an anti-religious zealot, or that which depends on scripture of any kind. they are all essentially the same, each one bound up in a different set of myths and desperately opposed to the difficulties of having to make choices, while pretending they've actually made one. they haven't. they want to be led. and that, good sir, is the true nature of fascism.
What makes your non-belief any better, or more realistic than his belief? I've always had trouble with that from the atheist argument.
Gonz, I am an Atheist. Let me explain my view to you to make things clear. I do not believe that it is any more or less valid for anyone to believe what they want to believe. It is their right and I would fight for their right to believe what it is they choose to believe. Whether I agree with that belief is irrelevant. I have no right to force them to change their belief through the making of law(s) or through social pressure. Their belief in a deity (or deities) is a personal choice.

With this in mind, I should have the same freedom and right to not believe in deities or the supernatural and should be given the same freedom from social and legal pressures.

Hope this explains my point of view as an Atheist.