It's about time


molṑn labé
Staff member
Agelina & Madonna are so cutting edge. The latest accoutrement in Hollywood is a lean toward our roots. A small black child is just the thing to say HOT. There is no other fashion accessory that screams caring as much as this latest fad.

Fucking disgusting. It so reminded me of a slave block but hey, I'm not the rich ass with too much time & a nanny to care for my offspring while we sleep in or go to the spa or shop Guccis.

It's about time...
Malawi's leading child rights group will seek a court injunction to stop Madonna adopting a one-year-old boy.

"It's not like selling property," said a statement by Eye Of The Child. They were speaking a day after Malawi's High Court granted an interim order for the star to adopt the boy, named as David Banda.

"It is about safeguarding the future of a human being who, because of age, cannot express an opinion," said the group.

The group added that the government circumvented its

own laws to fast-track the adoption process.

Madonna has been seen leaving Malawi without the one-year-old boy.

Everyone is for sale. You're fooling yourself to think otherwise.

[humming] How much is that baby in the window?
hey i'm going to rush out right now and get myself a token darkie. to show everyone that i'm socially aware... that i'm on the right team.

didn't say they would have to be bro and sis, though i prolly would insist on that were i from, say, south of ohio or so...
didn't say they would have to be bro and sis, though i prolly would insist on that were i from, say, south of ohio or so...

I haven't seen anyone from, say, south of Ohio or so considering adopting these kids. I do see several hypocrites dragging out tired stereotypes in an attempt to either be humorous (failed) or to ease the collective conscience of the misdeeds of their neighbors (hundreds of years old).

BUT what would I know?

*back to the iggy list: experiment failed*
funny place te keep ya tabs! :D :grinyes: :rofl:

ahh .. Americans ... canna understand wot they are on about sometimes! :)

... we were never really taught much American history (having a bunch of our our own like) - but am i correct in saying Gonz and SNP have a gig going on about the yankees and the Confederates? (relating to the current day U.S.) ...and that the South was all for slavery?

where (roughly) are you from 2minkey??

(nice Av btw!)
funny place te keep ya tabs! :D :grinyes: :rofl:

ahh .. Americans ... canna understand wot they are on about sometimes! :)

... we were never really taught much American history (having a bunch of our our own like) - but am i correct in saying Gonz and SNP have a gig going on about the yankees and the Confederates? (relating to the current day U.S.) ...and that the South was all for slavery?

where (roughly) are you from 2minkey??

(nice Av btw!)
1. Yes, Gonz and SnP do have a little conflict going on about what the US Civil War (or the "War of Yankee Agression") was about. I have an opinion differing from either, but let's not go in to that now, shall we?

2minkey can answer his own question, I don't pay enough attention to know where he's from, if he's said. Myself, I grew up in New York (serious Yankee in anybody's book), Lived out west for about 15 years (off and on, I used to move around a lot back then) and here in the south for around 12. I only live a few hours drive from where SnP does, but we haven't met. He went to college here in the town where I live.
1. - all this 1. and 2. stuff looks very serious .... :eek: ..dreads chcr looking at the slumber party thread ... :eek5: ;)

2. 2minkey is a man? :eek5:

call me an avatar visually-too imaginative kinda person ... - but i thought she (he) was a sexy minx!

3. why am i putting all this in numbered form?
1. - all this 1. and 2. stuff looks very serious .... :eek: ..dreads chcr looking at the slumber party thread ... :eek5: ;)

2. 2minkey is a man? :eek5:

call me an avatar visually-too imaginative kinda person ... - but i thought she (he) was a sexy minx!

3. why am i putting all this in numbered form?

Not all that serious, a little too methodical sometimes though.

2minkey's public profile says male though you really never know, do you? :D
So -the debate - is 2minkey gender-confused?

Will she/he find a solution?

Should we worry?

1. i am a boy.

2.the avatar is the domestic partner. for a fee i can provide the rest of the picture... :grin:

3. i originated in san francisco. but mostly grew up in... detroit. now i am in seattle.
I'm a little torn...

On one hand, I think it's great that a child can be adopted and given a chance at a better life. Do I see it in color? No. I am not being naive, either. I truly believe in the genuine good hearted adoption without fanfare.

On the other hand... there are plenty of children in our own backyard that need the same chance at a better life.

Do I care about the color of the children they adopt? lol... hell no. But I do take issue with the fact that our nation, the one the adopters' chose to live in, needs us to stand up for our children.