It's baaaaack...

PuterTutor said:
Page Hits Today 3,878
Page Hits Total (since Sept 18th, 2002) 3,878
Average Page Hits per Day 3,878

Little problem fury, just thought you'd want to know.
No it's not. The page hit counter just started this morning at midnight.
fury said:
No it's not. The page hit counter just started this morning at midnight.

OMG! THAT many hits per day!? :eek:

That's one hell of a serverload then :)

Amazing how smooth things still go :)
Shadowfax said:
LastLegionary said:
she? ?( You mean you didn't notice "whats down there"? :eek:

Yes, she. Apparently somebody needs some biology lessons....;)

Stop hugging trees and kissing guys and step into the REAL life :D
touche man, touche. I know when I'm beaten :D
Shadowfax said:
fury said:
No it's not. The page hit counter just started this morning at midnight.

OMG! THAT many hits per day!? :eek:

That's one hell of a serverload then :)

Amazing how smooth things still go :)
Much more than that now and we're not even to the halfway point of the day yet. These are counting each and every view of any page on the OTC site, including the index, or viewforum, where normally hits aren't counted.
Isn't the host complaining about the huge serverload? Or is it a good host? :)

No idea who is hosting this btw :)

Would be nice to know, I have the idea that you're putting a LOT more effort into this board then we see at first sight :)
The host is HostRocket, and no they're not complaining about the server load because the server's so beefy they don't notice a thing.

Dual Tualatin 1.26ghz, 4gb RAM :D

Compared to some other sites on our server (about 3-400 of them in all), we're pretty light.

But we may not be staying with this one for very much longer, our disk space usage is getting a bit too big to fit in the account we have. (315 megs in use out of 450 allowed)
unclehobart said:
I guess I should stop posting pics then. No need to OD the server in 70-80k chunks.
Keep posting them. We're still well under the limit. The attachment quota is set to 100mb (there's about 60 of it in use now) so that attachments don't fill up our space.

LL: Money, a host change, and a few dozen Paxils or Zolofts (read: fury gets to pack up the sites and send them over to another server company)

We can't ask for any money from you guys though, we're doing this for fun :)
Asking, no..but you might receive it :)

Personally I really like this site, and wouldn't mind in contributing in another way than just posting :)

Just keep us informed :)
Yeah of course you're always using MY creditcard...easy enough for you to agree :D

But seriously, I wouldn't mind in donating some cash for all the efforts you're putting into OTC :)
Come to the USA or Canada. Unemployment rate is about 4.7 or so % right now in the USA, and you can learn English here :D :p :p
