It's Biden ...

No actually I need the date Rush said it in order to find a previous date. I've been hearing speculation since Palin was nominated. Since you're too scared to play along for starters why don't you find me a Rush quote before The National Review's on 8/29.

Then we can continue your sillininess.

That was the same day she was chosen 8/29/08. Why didn't you just post that in the first place when asked? Because you are having too much fun as a provacateur?

Rush said what he said on 9/2/08 so you were right.

I don't hear your usual complaints that your source is merely an op-ed piece and that it is a conservative source which makes everything in it a lie.

Interesting, that.
That was the same day she was chosen 8/29/08. Why didn't you just post that in the first place when asked? Because you are having too much fun as a provacateur?

Yep, it is fun to watch you rant and then smack it down.

Rush said what he said on 9/2/08 so you were right.

I don't hear your usual complaints that your source is merely an op-ed piece and that it is a conservative source which makes everything in it a lie.

Any speculation about this would pretty much have to be an opinion piece right? I'm not encouraging you to take anything in that opinion piece seriously, just noting that people had indeed speculated about something before Rush.

That is fact. The speculation in the article itself is not.
Biden? Who's this Biden guy?

hmmm. yeah, i seem to have some memory of a... what's that's guy's name again?

well, i guess in a sense it's good for the 'crats... wouldn't want their veep candidate to eclipse their presidential candidate.
oh that poor little victim sarah they said nasty things about her.

oh yeah, and the nasty things are dead-on, balls accurate.

Don't forget the part about calling McPalin's backers "white trash".

We white trash are not amused at the pathetic attempt at humor. It will be reflected at the polls on election day. ;)
Don't forget the part about calling McPalin's backers "white trash".

We white trash are not amused at the pathetic attempt at humor. It will be reflected at the polls on election day. ;)

well, many of her backers do fit that stereotype. she's on the ticket to appeal to evangelicals in double wides and gun nuts precisely because mccain ain't all that appealing to 'em. golly i think the NRA gave him a "C+" or something.

so you're going to take out your frustrations by voting for a "white trash" ticket because it was as identified as such by that chick in the video?

fascinating way of choosing who to vote for.
well, many of her backers do fit that stereotype. she's on the ticket to appeal to evangelicals in double wides and gun nuts precisely because mccain ain't all that appealing to 'em. golly i think the NRA gave him a "C+" or something.

You sound like Obama, generalizing about a certain segment of the voting population:

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Has Obama ever fired a gun? Judging by this comment:

Hillary Clinton’s out there, like she’s out in the duck blind every Sunday. She’s packin’ a six shooter

and--whillikers--from the "F" rating by the NRA, I don't think so.

so you're going to take out your frustrations by voting for a "white trash" ticket because it was as identified as such by that chick in the video?

Yes, I took a Canadian's opinion that American conservative voters are white trash as offensive, but did I suggest that a woman who cannot even participate in this country's election is going to influence my vote?

By the way, fellow American, what is your objection to women, religion, firearms, and modular homes, anyway? *handonhip

fascinating way of choosing who to vote for.


"John McCain and I are committed to drawing attention to the danger posed by Iran's nuclear program and we will not waver in our commitment," Palin told a crowd of 9,000 supporters in Blaine, MN. "I will continue to call for sustained action to prevent Iranian President Ahmadinejad from getting these weapons that he wants for a second holocaust."

Under McCain/Palin:

“Israel/US takes out nuke sites in Iran.”

Under Obama/Biden:

“Nuke detonated in downtown Manhattan....millions killed.”
You sound like Obama, generalizing about a certain segment of the voting population...

you think me mentioning those two specific items mighta been intentional?

Has Obama ever fired a gun? Judging by this comment:

no it doesn't seem like it, does it. but, then, i saw a video of palin jamming her eye right into the the tail end of an aimpoint (um, eye releif, hello?) on an ar15 type-rifle, and considering that, maybe she's overestimating her own gun-luvin.'

Yes, I took a Canadian's opinion that American conservative voters are white trash as offensive, but did I suggest that a woman who cannot even participate in this country's election is going to influence my vote?

By the way, fellow American, what is your objection to women, religion, firearms, and modular homes, anyway? *handonhip

nothin' really, but when the former mixes with large amount of the latter three, um, seems to result in a lot of bad tattoos, teenage pregnancy, and meth labs.
Another Biden exaggeration.

The Story Behind Biden's Emergency Helicopter Landing in Afghanistan
September 22, 2008 6:19 PM

"Ladies and gentlemen, where are we now? Where are we now?" Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., said to the National Guard Association today, talking about the war in Afghanistan.

"If you want to know where Al Qaeda lives, you want to know where Bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me," Biden said. "Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down, with a three-star general and three senators at 10,500 feet in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are."

Biden said that Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., "says he’ll follow them to the gates of hell. You don’t have to go to hell. Just go to Pakistan. Just go to that area. That superhighway of terror that exists between Afghanistan and Pakistan."

We hadn't heard before about Biden's helicopter being forced down, so we did some Googling.

After all, earlier this month at a fundraiser, he made a similar remark, when discussing how he doesn't care about the Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's controversies like whether she sold a state plane on eBay, or when she went from supporting to opposing the Bridge to Nowhere.

"What I care about is: What in God's name is she going to do -- along with John McCain -- about the thousands of people who don't have health care?" Biden said according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Biden said he would ask Palin about "The superhighway of terror between Pakistan and Afghanistan where my helicopter was forced down...John McCain wants to know where Bin Laden and the gates of Hell are? I can tell him where. That's where Al Qaeda is. That's where Bin Laden is. It's not in the country of Iraq."

In February 2008, Biden -- along with Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. -- was on a chopper that made an emergency landing in the mountains of Afghanistan.

A snowstorm had forced them down.

No one was injured, and the Associated Press reported at the time that "the senators and their delegation returned to Bagram Air Base in a motor convoy, and left for Turkey.

"The weather closed in on us," Kerry told the AP at the time in a phone interview from Turkey. "It went pretty blind, pretty fast and we were around some pretty dangerous ridges. So the pilot exercised his judgment that we were better off putting down there, and we all agreed...We sat up there and traded stories."

Kerry joked, "We were going to send Biden out to fight the Taliban with snowballs, but we didn't have to do it…Other than getting a little cold, it was fine."

-- Jake Tapper and Matthew Jaffe
Another bald faced lie by McCain.

Newsweek: Vehicle Records of McCain's 13 Cars Contradict His Boast About Buying American

Last update: 6:57 p.m. EDT Sept. 21, 2008
DETROIT, Sept 21, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Today Newsweek reported that John McCain owns 13 cars - and that contrary to what McCain said in a recent TV interview, the fleet includes three foreign cars. The report shows that McCain wasn't being honest with voters during a recent interview with WXYZ TV in Detroit when he said: "I've bought American literally all my life, and I'm proud."{1C9C67CF-56B2-4B82-8350-CF9930BF0D90}&dist=hppr