A Delaware based blues group called
Nothin' But Trouble has a blues song about Biden that is funnier than hell.
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Joe Biden Blues
Delaware politician on every commission
A top foreign policy man
Chairs a mean inquisition, and holds his position
Got a mem'ry like "Rain Man"
When the man got a mission, got no competition
He got all his bucks in a row
He's a master tactician, you know
And his hair plugs hardly show
He's Joe Biden
He's runnin' again
When he starts speechifying
He can go on from morning 'till the night
If a Bork or a Thomas comes up for the Court
You can bet he'll be in on the fight
He knows everyone, heads of state, Oprah, Leno, the Pope, Sylvester Stallone
He's as social as ol' Bill Clinton
But without the saxophone
He's Joe Biden, baby
He's runnin' again
Give him your tired, your poor hungry folks
He gonna feed 'em well
Give him a wife-beatin' law-breakin' punk
And he'll find'em a nice jail cell
Give him a Georgia, Iraq or Iran
You can bet that the man got a plan
Give him a problem that no one can solve
And he'll fix it on C-SPAN
He's Joe Biden, baby
He got your tax reduction right here
Yeah Mr. Biden, he's your man
He can gut a new corporate welfare bill
From here to kingdom come
He can crunch all the numbers, spread goodwill
And be back for luncheon at one
I got a bridge in Brooklyn says
There ain't nothing that he can't do
Make a statesman out of Obama
And make a Democrat out of you
He's Joe Biden, baby
A weapon of mass seduction
He ain't just any also-ran