It's Called "Free Speech"


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable. The WH wants you to report any person you see publicly opposing 0bama's plan to implement a government overhaul of the health care system. Next thing you know, it will be "papers, please."

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care.

These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help.

If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].

O.K. Linda Douglass, here you go.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Misinformation about 0bama's Health Care Plan

To Whom it May Concern:

I found the following website containing misinformation about 0bama's Health Care Plan:

Have a great day!


"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration." — Hillary Clinton
It's a bad week for Obama

carsdotgov said:
warning, you are entering a secure site. This application provides access to the DOT CARS system. When logged onto the CARS system, your computer is considered a federal computer system and it is property of the United States government.

Any or all uses of this system, any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DOT, and law enforcement personnel as well as all authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspecting and disclosure at the discretion of CARS or the DOT personnel.

Ironically, after this aired, the warnign disappeared.
Addressing all the lies out there like Gonz's lie is not restricting free speech.

When the misinformation squad spread these lies (like Gonz's) a lot of gullible people don't bother to take the 2 seconds to check them out and go about spreading the misinformation like Gonz did.

Thankfully they are up for fighting these lies. Thanks for the info Cerise! I'll be sure to send any misinformation I see here and elsewhere to them.
Addressing all the lies out there like Gonz's lie is not restricting free speech.

When the misinformation squad spread these lies (like Gonz's) a lot of gullible people don't bother to take the 2 seconds to check them out and go about spreading the misinformation like Gonz did.

Thankfully they are up for fighting these lies. Thanks for the info Cerise! I'll be sure to send any misinformation I see here and elsewhere to them.

I concur.


So while car dealers are connected to the vast digital hydra that is the federal computing network, looking to get reimbursed by our Uncle, they're part of the federal computing network. And when they log off, they're not. Stop me if that's a difficult concept to grasp.

Read the original warning. It doesn't specify a time limit. Legalese is the law.
As to the original thread subject. Freedom of speech doesn't protect anyone from slander, not allow them to spread lies, even under the guise of a malicious rumour.
Thankfully they are up for fighting these lies. Thanks for the info Cerise! I'll be sure to send any misinformation I see here and elsewhere to them.


Bring it. The 0bama truth squad is in for a little surprise if they dare to darken my doorstep. If they want to curtail my free speech, they will have to pay the price for it.

"Dear White House flag:

"I have become aware that a person named Barack Hussein 0bama has made public comments designed to minimize public concern about the fascist nature of the health control bill, HR 3200. These statements by Mr. 0bama mislead the nature and contents of the bill and attempt to lull the American public into accepting it without analysis and discussion.

"I have attached a link to the bill itself and a video of several recent press conferences during which Mr. Obama has made such false and misleading statements.

"Please read through this material carefully and inform your Congressman what the bill contains, so that he or she will have a clue.

"Thank you for being so diligent as to check out Mr. 0bama."


Concerned Citizen
I saw a late night commercial that spoke of the HORRORS of socialized medicine. It was a flat out lie. Perhaps it contained 2% truth, and even that estimate is generous.

Maybe I'll report it....


Bring it. The 0bama truth squad is in for a little surprise if they dare to darken my doorstep. If they want to curtail my free speech, they will have to pay the price for it.

There is nothing curtailing your free speech. Just countering your lies with facts.
I saw a late night commercial that spoke of the HORRORS of socialized medicine. It was a flat out lie. Perhaps it contained 2% truth, and even that estimate is generous.

Maybe I'll report it....


Okay. Please explain to us your experience with socialized medicine. Let us know where, when, and how long any care you received took. No need to tell us what the care was, or why you needed it. Just give your experience.
Okay. Please explain to us your experience with socialized medicine. Let us know where, when, and how long any care you received took. No need to tell us what the care was, or why you needed it. Just give your experience.

Did someone say something worthwhile? I guess not.

Let me just say my experience with it is extensive, (on two continents and four nations) and I know at least four local physicians here who favor it (none that I know of who don't favor some variation of it). I've experienced no more waiting than standard American typical amounts. Why don't you tell us your personal horror stories with it? You can't can you, because you have none personally do you? There are some disadvantages, but all nothing is perfect, and the advantages far outweigh the pitfalls. The anti socialized medicine commercials are gross exaggerations to downright lies, paid for by the filthy rich insurance industry that has been exploiting Americans for so long. Unfortunately most Americans are stupid enough to buy it. and most anything the idiot tube tells them to believe.

Unfortunately, Americans are good and even genius about a great many things, and there is much that is great about America, but I imagine if any country can monumentally fuck up socialized medicine we will be the ones to do it.

The biggest failing of American culture is it's inability to stop feeling superior long enough to look at other nation's successes and learn from them. Hell for years many Americans have feared the success of Japan. The sad part is that few of them see that Japan is not as huge of an innovator as so many seem to think. What has made Japan successful economically is, more than anything, their ability to take American innovations and improve on them. We design a good mouse trap, and they improve on it and sell more of them back to us.

Why I just wasted more keystrokes trying to break through to the damned is beyond me though. In debates like this you are either preaching to the choir, or to those who prefer to go straight down the garden path to hell because in their minds it is easier.
I suppose that I can do that for you, Gato..but it's a long story.

It all started when I was born and my mother had to spend a few extra days at the hospital in a private room while I lay in a nice neonatal ward...all paid for by socialized medicine, the time I was 4 days old...
You could find horror stories about Christmas presents that killed children if you compiled them. Does that make Christmas evil? If you did compile them you could definitely find a fringe group of Americans to back your anti Christmas campaign!
You could find horror stories about Christmas presents that killed children if you compiled them. Does that make Christmas evil? If you did compile them you could definitely find a fringe group of Americans to back your anti Christmas campaign!
Don't have to look that far - Jehova's Witnesses
Let me just say my experience with it is extensive, (on two continents and four nations)

Nice start. CAre to continue for our enlightenment?

and I know at least four local physicians here who favor it

Neither my physician nor either of my wifes physicians favor it. :shrug:

paid for by the filthy rich insurance industry

The same filthy rich insurance indusrty that pays for 90% of the healthcare in the US?

It's funny how you hate someone to make a profit but you kowtow to the government who steals from every working American, by force, yet can't get a single program to operate under or at budget.
Nice start. CAre to continue for our enlightenment?

No I really don't because you'd just find any means to try and discredit it, and regardless of what you think you know, my statement was factual. Most of my experience with socialized medicine though is right here in the USA and it is working very well thank you very much.

Neither my physician nor either of my wifes physicians favor it. :shrug:

Because they are either in it for the money and could give a fuck about much else or they are idiots. In either case I'd fine another doctor if I were you.

The same filthy rich insurance indusrty that pays for 90% of the healthcare in the US?

It pays for 90% which is probably about 50-70% of what it should pay ethically

That good enough for ya? Too bad if its not. You are among the hopeless; I waste keystrokes explaining things to you that you refuse to even try to understand.