It's gonna get ugly

I'm 'bout over this cold shit. Got all the way down to 24 here this morning. Snow flurries too. I had to drag out the damn coat and everything. Feels like Canadastan down here today.
19F on my patio this morning. The older dog didn't like it much. The younger one was ready to play, too bad her "master" wasn't.
Temperatures are still over 15ºC (59ºF) here. I'd like it to be colder, those 45ºF you mention sound good, however near 0ºC would be better during the nights.
BRRRRR! ...time to start wearing house slippers

You wear slippers!

I just wear socks... my hip and both knees are sore all the time now, even when I'm sitting... don't like the changes in pressure and I can't take anything stronger than tylonol as I'm allergic to codiene...

On a happier note the disability equipment tecnician came round and gave me a perching stool for my bathroom , so now I don't have to sit on the loo when I have a wash, and is refering me for an OT visit so they can decide what equipment I need to help me get in and out of my bath, I'm really looking forward to having a nice long, hot soak... I can't wait! It's over 10 years since I had a bath... and no rude comments... :p :)
You wear slippers!

....gave me a perching stool for my bathroom , so now I don't have to sit on the loo when I have a wash,....

Several mental images I could of done with out.... stool and bathroom are simply a bad combo for most any 'happy' sentance. :laugh:

But yes, I do wear slippers whenst it gets cold. ...with the majority of my house being +90 years old and raised off the ground, the tile floors get awfully cold in the winter
You have showered in the ensuing 10 years... right?

Once or twice. :lol:

The last time I had a bath it took me about half an hour to wiggle round onto my knees so I could push myself up, cos I just couldn't lift myself out... in a freezing cold bathroom... talk about blue extremities... :eek:

Although I've lost a lot of weight and am much stronger, I still have severe problems because of my hip, so I'm hoping they recommend a bath lift... which would make things much easier all round. But for medical reasons I need to be able to have a bath now rather than just a shower.

One perching stool... it about the height of a barstool and means I can perch in front of the basin to wash. I find standing up for to long painful.
Can that perching stool take being exposed to lots of water? And is your shower stall a decent size? If so, you could sit on the stool in the shower and use a handheld showerhead.
Can that perching stool take being exposed to lots of water? And is your shower stall a decent size? If so, you could sit on the stool in the shower and use a handheld showerhead.

Yes, it's designed to go in a shower, the seat is rubberised and the feet are non-slip, but my shower is over my bath and I have a bathboard to sit on. But I need to use special bath oils for my eczema, and to do that properly I need to use the bath itself. Also, the shower is only putting out luke warm water atm and my landlords blame the water pressure and refuse to replace the boiler as it's under 15 years old. Social services can force them to for medical reasons or make them put an electric shower in. Whatever is deemed best for me. I've been trying to get them to do something about it for the last 3 years.
I'm wondering how a bath would fix the lukewarm water thing... unless you boil some water on the stove and dump it in to warm it up.
Al least it wasn't the sewer main. Want me to send you some heat tape for those pipes?

I got the water back on, and just threw a couple of old crappy pillows over the pipe.
It's getting down to 27-28 F, I hope they hold up, until I can get the box,
and dirt back in place.:erm:
I'm wondering how a bath would fix the lukewarm water thing... unless you boil some water on the stove and dump it in to warm it up.

It won't, but if they decide I can only use the shower they can make the Landlords fix it. The shower has a mixer tap(fawcet)... the hot water flow is turned up as high as it can go and the cold water as low as it will go. The water that comes out of the bath tap when the heating is on is hot enough for a bath, no problem. Personally I prefer a shower, but I do need to have a bath 2 or 3 times a week so I can treat my eczema because it's spreading... atm I'm using a low swing bin to soak my leg and feet in. Just using the shower, my skin gets very, very dry even though I use lots of emolient creams. I can do without the graft site on my leg ulcerating again and if I can keep the skin in better condition it's less likely to happen.
Naw ... it's sort of like when you're making out with your girl, only to realize that it's actually her identical twin. Different, but still familiar. And then you realize that if she's doing this, you're three quarters of the way to a three way. Golden.
Its snowing here now and I can see all our new year plans going out the window :( I hate when the weather changes all your plans , most specially on New years eve ..
We're looking at 4"-10" into tomorrow afternoon.

That means a coating. Maybe.