It's gonna get ugly

I'm glad Calgary apparently doesn't get ice like that here...snow and cold sure, but not ice accumulation like that.
yeah midwest is great for that kind of ice. and your car's undercarriage after they salt the shit outta everything.

i'm flying to tampa tomorrow... 83 and sunny... i just saw flurries here in seattle.
we are having a heat wave.
It absolutely beautiful for the next 3-4 days or so here. :p
Ice accumulation of one quarter to one half of an inch

So what? That's a description of my street all winter. They don't salt it because we're out in farm country. We generally have ruts of 2 to 3 inches come spring.

been there, done that
As you both know, it's the untreated sheeting that causes the problems. That & the power lines that get pulled down. We're getting round two tonight thru tomorrow.
Started here at 3pm. Supposed to have anywhere from half-inch to 2 inches of ice by tomorrow afternoon.

They issued a State of Emergency before the ice started to form on the cars. It has the whole area worked up.
Started here at 3pm. Supposed to have anywhere from half-inch to 2 inches of ice by tomorrow afternoon.

They issued a State of Emergency before the ice started to form on the cars. It has the whole area worked up.

Just don't park under any trees.
Well over an inch of rain, but only 1/2" accumulation of ice so far. It hovered between 30-33F all night, thankfully. Any colder and it really would have sucked. Ice everywhere but the roads. They've only stayed wet. Seems like the entire freakin' city shut down for this.

We're supposed to keep getting it into the afternoon, then the temperature is supposed to drop as the rain moves east. Hopefully the timing's right.

I still think its overblown. Everyone's panicked from the last time.
We hit 79F here this afternoon. But the weather guessers say it will be considerable colder tomorrow -- low 50s with rain.
Icy here too, but not as bad as predicted. They're usually good about getting the salt on the roads before the worst hits so it isn't so bad, but the secondary roads do get treacherous. Unfortunately there's a bit of a salt shortage around here and finding any for our walkways is difficult, every retailer in town, as well as the nearest big chain hardware stores and my brother's Home Depot, all sold out yesterday.