It's magic

No, absolutely not. If he had enough of a desire to be a woman, for whatever amount of time, that opens up a whole can of worms. Why does he want to be a woman? Has he been thinking about this but never brought it up because he was afraid of the reaction? Is he only bringing it up now because it's a lot easier than a sex change? Is he attracted to men? There's a whole lot of discussion that would be a must before doing anything, and there isn't that much time because of the full moon.

The problem in this scenario is me and what I think about it also. I would not choose to do it to myself. While a woman's body may be nice to look at, I have no sexual desire for females. Without sex in a relationship, it's doomed.
I value my fiance too much to allow something like this to possibly ruin our future together.
Panoramic World said:
If I turned into a woman...I'd be to pre-occupied with the vagina and massaging shower head :la:

massaging shower head don't do that much unless the shower pressure is really, really good

And prof, seriously, what the hell have you been smoking, and can I have some????
Ask about, Uki. Posts like this are how I made my rep online. Hours of driving with nothin but AM radio for company ......
BigDadday said:
No way! She'd get all my computers n toys uh uh!
Woah! Woah! Time out here! Nothing was said about changing ownership of computers 'n stuff? If so, the deal might be off.. Unless the spouse has a better computer than me. :D
No thanks...I can't afford the pay-cut even for one month. :p

It would be interesting to just stand on a corner with a low-cut blouse, leaning over and seeing how many pileups I could cause in one day :)

I don't think that missus would go for it.
MrBishop said:
No thanks...I can't afford the pay-cut even for one month. :p

Well, EINSTEIN if you were making a "women's" salary your S/O would be making a man's it really would balance out...on the same all depends on your line of work if there's even a difference.
I don't think I could do it. I'm not sure I could afford to take a month off, cause I sure as shit wouldn't be leaving the bedroom, let alone the house.