Its my body

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I hear about people saying they have the swine flu, and they haven't even been to the doc.
I guess fear mongering works on some.:retard:
It's about the symptoms...H1N1a is different from the other flu variants. I got a 'what to look for' pdf for H1N1a...
then there's this...,2933,558402,00.html?test=latestnews

study of 77 patients who died of the new pandemic H1N1 virus showed 29 percent of them had so called bacterial co-infections, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.
H1N1 is not any more deadly than seasonal influenza so far but it attacks a younger age group than seasonal flu does and because virtually the entire population lacks immunity, it can infect far more people at once than seasonal flu usually does.
personally, I'm careful not to 'cast a wide net'.

'factual stats' is the indicator, I think
just gotta sort the misinformation.

Yes, one infection makes you vulnerable to another. Have the flu and you run the chances of getting strep throat or pneumonia. Get more than one and your odds of survival start dropping. Have a pre-existing condition related to breathing (Asthma etc..) and your odds get worst.

Doesn't take away from the basic facts. H1N1 is a type of flu. It's one of the many flu variants that is going around this year. The official flu season starts on the 4th but there have already been deaths from this variant from April until now.

Last season (Sept 08 - April 09), there were 117 pediatric deaths in the USA...half for the H1N1 variant. There have been 4 deaths recently.

Last year the H1N1 was barely felt because it arrived it's likely to go through a full flu season.
My problem isn't the flu, or even the media presentation of the safety of the vaccine. It's the enforced distribution of said vaccine.
I hear about people saying they have the swine flu, and they haven't even been to the doc.
I guess fear mongering works on some.:retard:

Go to the doctor, for what? To have him tell you that you're sick & need to go home & rest?

Doctors can't treat colds & flu...


How right you are
How many regulations are there? According to the Office of the Federal Register, in 1998, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), the official listing of all regulations in effect, contained a total of 134,723 pages in 201 volumes that claimed 19 feet of shelf space. In 1970, the CFR totaled only 54,834 pages.

The General Accounting Office reports that in the four fiscal years from 1996 to 1999, a total of 15,286 new federal regulations went into effect. Of these, 222 were classified as "major" rules, each one having an annual effect on the economy of at least $100 million. [Source: Costs of Federal Regulation, the Heritage Foundation]

Not that I want to re-live the 1970's, but.....

If we could just get back to the 1910 level of gov't intervention I would be happy.
Go to the doctor, for what? To have him tell you that you're sick & need to go home & rest?

Doctors can't treat colds & flu...

I'm just sayin'
How do they know for sure it's H1N1. Seems they don't.
maybe I have the perception wrong on that logic?
the flu is the flu. give it any name you want, it's still a killer.
that just seems tooooo fallible, if this is as bad as it's been played up.

I think if I was suspect from symptomatology, I'd go get a test,
for the sake of others, if nothing else.

So you and gonz are pretty much on the same page with this one?
They check the blood sample to make sure..but mostly it's the symptomatology.

One of my kids came down with something a few weeks back. 2 blood workups in two hospitals came up with bubkis. Most blood tests are 'for' something, not open ended. They seldom find what they're not specifically looking for. The corollary also being true ... that they found what they were looking for doesn't exclude what they weren't looking for. Just as many 'H1N1" infections and deaths might be going undetected ... many "H1N1" deaths may be misreported.

Besides, if I remember correctly, and feel free to correct me if I'm not, most 'flu' deaths aren't from the flu at all, but from secondary infections. Protect yourself from those and you've nothing to fear from H1N1.
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