You don't mind if I pass on that, do ya?
It's not your source, my friend. It's the source of the source. The medical association at large, that I don't trust. Don't forget. I work behind the counter of many a pharmacy. I see what the medical community deals in. Money. Lots of it. I see hundreds of people being prescribed 30+ pills a day. 12 different medications. To the point that their pills have to be supplied in a special type of tray just so that they have a hope of getting all the right pills at the right time. I find it difficult to believe that anyone has that much wrong with them, and isn't under 24/7 medical care. I work on their accounting computers. I see what kind of numbers they pull in.
Not that they're anything special. Mechanics worldwide are renowned for handing owners bills for work not done. Work done that didn't need done. Damaging a perfectly good piece, so that it'll need replaced. Ever see what a rebuilt axel consists of? Unless the bearing it totally fucked, they take the 'core', recharge it with heavy grease, slap on a new boot, and voila, done.
I've a lawyer working hard trying to clear up the legal tangle left by the owner of the house I'm trying to buy. Nice guy. I recommend him highly. Friend of a friend. But he's still a lawyer, isn't he? Only difference this time is that he's working for himself. If he can't free up the house for me to buy, he doesn't get paid. He gets screwed by his own system.
Same as a mechanic doesn't fuck up his own car.
Same as a doctor doesn't over prescribe to his mother.
Same as a masseuse doesn't need a chiro.
Same as a smoker doesn't need an excuse not to quit.