Southern Discomfort
Nixy said:You've NEVER seen everything, NEVER!
Ya know something? Yer right.
A short list of things I have not seen yet
A Demorat make sense
A use for Tipper Gore outside a firing range
Rosie O'Donnell naked (thank God)
A Chevy worth buying
An excuse for Lincoln ever living as long as he did
Edible tuna
The Texas Rangers advance past the first round of the playoffs
A reason to keep Gilbert Godfried alive
O.J.'s search for the real killers bear fruit
Eyeglasses thicker than Joe Paterno's
Good Canadian whiskey
Will & Grace
A bad doughnut
A midget dressed as a ninja restoring a 1964 Falcon while singing German drinking songs
An orgy on Walton's Mountain
Metallica live in concert
Guess I haven't seen everything...