It's Official: "It's Shocking. Really Shocking."

The media is up in arms.

It will be verrrrry interesting to see the reactions at the next 0bammy presser.
Cerise you must have been crazy pissed when Bush pre-screened questions and manipulated the media right? If this shit has you up in arms then the Bush era total manipulation really must have upset you right?

How about, for a chnage, instead of whining about Bush, you address the current topic?
I know you hate it when I point out fake outrage and hypocrisy.

I wonder if we could find any examples of you whining about Clinton after he was out of office.
When you find examples that can be directly attributed to the policies of GW...go ahead & bitch.

So far, you're just whining to whine.

As I suggested, why not take a stand on the current issue at hand?
No, when you brought up Clinton you were just whining to whine. I was pointing out the hypocrisy and faux outrage of the people who are whining about this and never had a problem with all Bush's pre-screened questions and scripted events.

So far their still trying to defend them, which is pretty telling.
This is about Helen Thomas ripping Gibbsey a new one because it was revealed that Zero fields planted questions from planted reporters at his town halls.

It isn't about Boooooooosh!, although you are trying to use him to detract from 0bama, it is about how the media is slowly waking up to realize how they have been used and continue to be used by 0bamaco.

It isn't about the media's hypocrisy, because Helen Thomas, as well as most of the lamestream media, were vocal critics of the Bush Administration during the Iraq war.

It is about the general feeling of "buyer's remorse" that is sweeping the country:

This about some hypocrites whining about something they didn't care about all the times Bush did it.

Bush's record setting disapproval would be a clear indication of buyer's remorse more so than the current president who remains extremely popular.
Last night I watched the news from Washington, the capitol
the white supremacists escaped while we weren't watching them, like white supremacists will...
Bush's record setting disapproval would be a clear indication of buyer's remorse more so than the current president who remains extremely popular.

You keep bringing that up; but what will you say when Obama eclipses that record, and what will you say of your own buyer's remorse when it happens?
You keep bring that up; but what will you say when Obama eclipses that record, and what will you say of your own buyer's remorse when it happens?

No president for a very long time will be able to beat Bush's record. What did you say of your buyers remorse when Bush set the record?
That's strongly approve and strongly disapprove which doesn't tell the whole picture. I know you are a master at lies and half truths so allow me to rain on your parade!

Gallup said:
Obama Honeymoon Continues; 7 Months Is Recent Average
Earlier honeymoons lasted an average of 26 months

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Presidents typically enjoy positive approval ratings during the early stages of their presidencies, commonly known as the "honeymoon" period. Barack Obama is no exception, with ratings that have generally been above 60%. But recent presidents' honeymoons have typically ended much sooner than those of their predecessors. Whereas presidents from Harry Truman through Richard Nixon spent an average of 26 months above the historical average 55% presidential job approval rating after they took office, presidents from Gerald Ford to George W. Bush spent an average of just seven months above this norm.

Sorry, facts are facts!
This is his worst performance thus far:

Gallup said:
June 19, 2009
Obama Job Approval Slips to 58% for First Time
Lowest reading for Obama thus far in Gallup Poll Daily tracking

by Lydia Saad

PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama's job approval rating fell to 58% in Gallup Poll Daily tracking from June 16-18 -- a new low for Obama in Gallup tracking, although not dissimilar to the 59% he has received on four other occasions.


Sorry Cerise, your lies just don't stand up!
There, there, lil' jackass.

So you think "the lowest for 0bama thus far" is a good thing? Even Gallup is shocked:
It is not clear what is behind the decline....


Your graph shows a continuing downward spiral in approval and an upward climb in disapproval. How can the facts be lies?

33% disapproval Gallup. 36% disapproval Rasmussen. Different numbers same information.

If that 3% difference makes you feel better, then keep on clinging to it. Wrap your arms around it and hold it close. Suckle it at your bosom. Give it tender lil' baby kisses. Tuck it under your pillow at night.

Either way you look at it, his numbers are down.

Hope is making a comeback. :shrug: