It's Official: "It's Shocking. Really Shocking."

Liberal pieces of shit can't help but attack the womans family. Must be a pisser to be so scared of someone.
Liberal pieces of shit can't help but attack the womans family. Must be a pisser to be so scared of someone.

You ought to know, I mean you had to have feared Obama, and the fears were realized.

Seems to me a lot of conservative pieces of shit attack any damn thing they can, always have always will, its not one iota different.
You ought to know, I mean you had to have feared Obama, and the fears were realized.

Seems to me a lot of conservative pieces of shit attack any damn thing they can, always have always will, its not one iota different.

And the attacks on the Obama's minor children can be found ... where ...???
And the attacks on the Obama's minor children can be found ... where ...???

I never said there were, but you can find plenty of instances of mudslinging from both sides over the last few years. I know you like to think you are on the moral high ground, but the fact is, you're not. It isn't right to attack her children and I think it is despicable. I can understand why someone so right wing and so religious would be criticized for having a daughter who was pregnant so young and out of wedlock. It has the feel of hypocrisy to some, but its really nobody's damn business. I don't like Palin, but I do think its totally wrong to attack the family, and my heart goes out to her and them in that regard. Kids make mistakes and it doesn't make the family bad.

I think what is most telling about Palin, and ultimately will be her downfall is that she is reportedly a real bitch and a prima donna, at least to the folks in the McCain campaign folks. She is also just too polarizing.
We don't, as a rule, attack the family members of the left. There are so many reasons to attack them on policy.
Look at me what?

All I really needed to know about "no rules" I learned from libruls and their attacks on Boooooosh! :shrug:

Two years ago we put up a list of 25 names Bush was being called at the time. Now, on the eve of the various anti-inauguration activities taking place throughout the country, we thought we'd expand the list to 100. Compiling such a list was easy, thanks to you, our loyal Bush Watchers who sent in suggestions. The most popular name was some variation of Dubya...Dumbya, Dudya, DAH-bya, DWI-bya, Duh? Bya, Dubius, D-Dubya-I, Double-Duh, Dubfus, Dubius Dubya, Flubya, etc. Then there were comments upon the fact that Bush didn't win the popular vote, nor did he win the electoral votes in Florida, the count having been stopped by the Scalia Court, which, as we know, is the court of last political resort in our country...Bogus W. Potus, Shrubus Illegitimus, Your Accidency, His Fraudulancy, Commander in Thief, Spurious George, George Putsch, "*", Mona Loser, The Thief Executive, President Select, etc. Then there were those that commented upon his abilities, personality, or character...The Lyin' King, Oaf of Office (one of our favorites), Drinky McDumbass, Whoosh Bush, Mini-Prez, Stumble-ya, Prince Snippy, Sock-Puppet-in Chief, [sic] Bush, Smirky the Chimp. There were also many plays on "President"...Resident, Pre$ident, Duh President, Presidunce, Presidump, Presidumb, ?President? with the first question mark upside-down for Spanish speakers, President Reject, UnPresident, President* Bush, ala Roger Maris, President Select, President Putsch. All told, there were a little over 100 suggestions, and the entire list is posted below in the order we received them. We're sure you'll find one that appeals to you. . But for now, let's talk about the "winner." We believe that there is no one winning name for Bush, since that depends upon your style, your typical audience, and your intentions. For us, we've usually just called him Bush, because that's what he is. But when we feel he needs to be given a more formal title, it will be Resident Bush, because, after all, he does live in the White House, if only for the time being. --Politex, 1/20/01

THE LIST (UNRANKED)...bush, Smirk, George of the Bungle, Dubious, The Lyin' King, Boy George, Junior, Commander-in-Thief, Spurious George, George W. Butcher, LoserBush, Dumbya, DUHbya, George Putsch, Scurrilous George, Bushwacker, Bush II, King George II, His Fraudulency, Bush Baby, Oaf of Office, Mini-Bush, "*", *, Mona Loser, Giggles the Clown, President Reject, UnPresident, Drinky McDumbass, Whoosh Bush, Prince Snippy, President Select, Duh?bya, Ersatz DumbShrub, Resident Putsch, President* Bush, Twiggy Bush, Resident Bush, StumbleYa, King George the Turd, Shrubus Illegitimus, Dubfus, Sniffy, ?President?, Bushware 2.0, Bushbrat, "President", Beelzebush, The Son King, His Royal Fraudulency, Embarrassment-in-Chief, The Perp, Flubya, Our Beerless Leader, Our Foundling Father, Quayle II, Duh President, [sic] Bush, DWIbya, Bushit, Bushwacker, Ambush, Bogus W. Potus, Rotus, George the Lesser, His illegitimacy, Humpty Dumbty, DoubleDay, Bush League, Great Pretender, Supreme Choice, G. Whizz George, Dead Brain Talking, D. Dubya I., The English Mauler, The English Patient, Our Encephalic Emperor, Pediatric President, Lyin' Scion, Pre$ident, Presidunce, Presidence, DoubleScrewed, Gridlock George, Your Accidency, George W. Gump, The Rain Man, Dubious Dubya, Smirky the Chimp, Pretender-in-Thief, Poppy's Puppet ...1/20/01
You ought to know, I mean you had to have feared Obama, and the fears were realized.

"How do you tell a Socialist: It's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an Anti-Socialist: someone who understands Marx and Lenin" -Ronald Reagan

Seems to me a lot of conservative pieces of shit attack any damn thing they can, always have always will, its not one iota different.

No, you're confused. Libruls attack, conservatives criticize.
I never said there were, but you can find plenty of instances of mudslinging from both sides over the last few years. I know you like to think you are on the moral high ground, but the fact is, you're not. It isn't right to attack her children and I think it is despicable. I can understand why someone so right wing and so religious would be criticized for having a daughter who was pregnant so young and out of wedlock. It has the feel of hypocrisy to some, but its really nobody's damn business. I don't like Palin, but I do think its totally wrong to attack the family, and my heart goes out to her and them in that regard. Kids make mistakes and it doesn't make the family bad.

I think what is most telling about Palin, and ultimately will be her downfall is that she is reportedly a real bitch and a prima donna, at least to the folks in the McCain campaign folks. She is also just too polarizing.

We go after his fucked up policies, his ability to lead, and his qualification to serve.

The Left goes after family.
We go after his fucked up policies, his ability to lead, and his qualification to serve.

The Left goes after family.


Republicans are far more about looking for scandal and smear campaigns, but all politicians are equally bad in various ways in that regard. You may think you are on some moral high ground Jimmy boy, but you are absolutely not!
The why are attacks on Palin inclusive of words like stupid & pregnant while attacks on Obama include liberal & experience?
The why are attacks on Palin inclusive of words like stupid & pregnant while attacks on Obama include liberal & experience?

In this particular case you are right. Palin's family has been absolutely treated wrongly. You must understand though that when a religious right, "family values" candidate, or even a Democrat that espouses that, will always be under the microscope. Its the nature of the beast. Welcome to politics....
Even the religious right, when attacking ones choices (homosexuality for example) never went after the family (lover here). They stayed the course to the candidate.
No, you're confused. Libruls attack, conservatives criticize.


Cons attack and try silly scare tactics. Liberals use reason. Then the cons try a straw man before abandoning the thread.

What's wrong with "Dubya". Cons call him that too.

Gonz said:
The why are attacks on Palin inclusive of words like stupid & pregnant while attacks on Obama include liberal & experience?

Oh yeah, Cerise's only attacks have been using the words liberal and experience. :laugh:
Even the religious right, when attacking ones choices (homosexuality for example) never went after the family (lover here). They stayed the course to the candidate.

They'll will attack anything they can. Even the recently deceased.

hank God this homosexual druggie died. He didn’t kill himself; God did. His acting in Brokeback Mountain was an abomination to God, to me, and to our great nation. He couldn’t stand his pathetic, gay, Australian life…I’d have overdosed, too.
P.S. To all of you non-believers in our LORD and Savior, Jesus: This man is not resting happily and in peace. Heath Ledger is burning and suffering as we speak, and his eternal future doesn’t look too bright for him either (homosexuals DO NOT enter into the Kingdom of Heaven)!!!!

I'm reading Greenspans Age of Turbulance.

WHOA!!!!! DEJA VU. 1978 all over again.