It's Palin ...

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Jeez, those two older daughters of hers are stacked. But McCain really needs to shoot his tailor. Dude, if you can't even lift your arms out straight without your collar rising over your head ...

And what was with that chick that opened last night. Lady, national doesn't have a hard A, I don't care what state accent you pretend.
But it doesn't follow the "Abstinence only" method of birth control belief system that Palin's pushing.

Just think how good it would be if she preached the lefts idea....give 'em pills and rubbers & get outta the's a teenage orgy-which is okay becuase we don't judge.

I'm ciurious, if the media is so concened about the Palin girl getting pregnant, should somebody tell them that 78% of births in the black community are out of wedlock?
Do you agree or not?

Do I agree that Obama supporters are desperately looking for somewhere to turn? Look---here's the face of the left's defeat.

You lightweight. You know why he can't lift his arms.

Actually, I'm blissfully unaware of any inability of his. I was looking at his suit. Unless there's a medical reason why the arms of his suit more closely resemble a penguin, I stand by my statement.
Do I agree that Obama supporters are desperately looking for somewhere to turn? Look---here's the face of the left's defeat.


um,that's the fucked up kid, right?

so we have, what, two idiots and nondisjunction of the 21st chromosome. holy shit obama must be shaking in his boots!
Actually, I'm blissfully unaware of any inability of his. I was looking at his suit. Unless there's a medical reason why the arms of his suit more closely resemble a penguin, I stand by my statement.

His arms were broken. You can tell it's not his suit.
Yes and there is none. Do you understand the definition? If so could you please tell us how either the Trig or Bristol story is sexist?

Okay, all you have to do is produce one -- count 'em -- ONE article, quote, news piece, news segment, interview, or op ed wherein Barack Obama, or any other male candidate for ANY office has been asked or scolded about his children's welfare during their term of office.

Should be simple if there is no sexism in the case of Sarah Palin.

I would suggest to you that if one of Obama's or Biden's daughters got pregnant or if they claimed to have a son that was actually one of his kids that it would be at least as big of a story.

So where is the sexism?

Are you just wishing that story is true? It has been proven already that the girl did not bear Trig, Sarah Palin did. The girl is five months pregnant and the baby you wish you had to hold over Sarah Palin's head like a sword of Damacles is FOUR MONTHS OLD. Physiology does not change to suit your political whim.

Even Sally Quinn, who has slammed Sarah Palin for not rethinking her priorities when it comes to her family says that one of the things she has a problem with is that Sarah Palin is NURSING THAT BABY and needs to be a mother to it rather than running for Vice President.
She's not really a babe.

How many forty-four-year-olds do you know who look that good?

Actually those would be awful choices.

Not according to the Liberal left wing press.

That a pretty flawed summation. All the experience would have to be equal. City council and mayor of a tiny town really aren't too demanding.

Try doing it some time. The issue is experience in public office regardless of how demanding. How demanding is community organizing?

It certainly shows a flaw in her "abstinence -only" education stance.

No, it shows a character flaw in her daughter regardless of her parent's best efforts.

If you abuse your power to be vindictive you might be.

There has yet to be any proof of that and, as you have correectly pointed out, the investigation is ongoing. Maybe we should all take your advise, as you expressed it during the FLDS discussions, and see how the investigation turns out.

Can you show us one example where you have?

"Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party"

From the article:

A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as to whether she was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian Rogers told ABC News that Clark's "allegations are false."

"Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982," Rogers says, providing some voter registration documentation showing her to be a Republican. "As you know, if she changed her registration, there would have been some record of it. There isn’t."

Too bad it was ABC and not Dan Rather and CBS. They would have made up the proof using technology that didn't exist in 1982.

Who said she'd be neglecting her children?

Sally Quinn.

Nobody is afraid of strong women. We just see her for what she is.

Yes a scary strong woman who is not a Leftist, not a Democrat, and not your ideal.
Okay, all you have to do is produce one -- count 'em -- ONE article, quote, news piece, news segment, interview, or op ed wherein Barack Obama, or any other male candidate for ANY office has been asked or scolded about his children's welfare during their term of office.

Should be simple if there is no sexism in the case of Sarah Palin.

All you have to do is find one person running for VP or pres with an underage pregant kid (suspected 2nd time) where it hasn't been an issue.

Are you just wishing that story is true? It has been proven already that the girl did not bear Trig, Sarah Palin did.

Actually it hasn't been proven yet at all.

The girl is five months pregnant and the baby you wish you had to hold over Sarah Palin's head like a sword of Damacles is FOUR MONTHS OLD. Physiology does not change to suit your political whim.

Still entirely possible.

says that one of the things she has a problem with is that Sarah Palin is NURSING THAT BABY and needs to be a mother to it rather than running for Vice President.

Any proof of this nursing?
or she could *gasp* spend her own damn money.

Government official being investigated by government has the right to use government money to defend themselves. Bad law but the law nonetheless.

A pipeline for natural gas from Alaska is one of the projects. The strengtening of pork-barrel projects is what she's being strung up for. something which she was against..until it suited her to be for.

The pipeline is being built with oil revenues to the state. There are no federal dollars being used for the construction; and thus there was no "pork barrel" money in the federal budget going to the project.


Alaska was part of Canada until not too long ago. The platform is irrelevant, the State of the Union isn't. She's looking to be a VP of a country that her husband (and her, arguably) didn't want to be part of anymore.

Alaska was never part of Canada. Alaska was part of Russia until the United States bought it for $7.2 million, or $.02 per acre, in 1867. Remember Seward's Folly when you were in fifth or sixth grade?

Alaska became an "organized territory" of the United States in 1912 and remained so until statehood in 1959.

I have no issue with this...the American Right-wingers are the ones with the issues about pot-smoking (legal or not).

this is hilarious. palin could start pooping in urinals, film herself, and release the tapes and a few of you would still be wanting to suck her toes.

all you gotta do is parrot a few bullshit slogans and you, too, can be the republican VP candidate.


guns for.. um, everyone!

no new taxes, er no that didn't work for us before, um... immigrants are bad!
The things that jimpeel quoted from up in Post #177 seem pretty reasonable on the surface, not just for Alaska but for any state. My biggest complaint would be the apparent lack of church and state separation in the second part.

That could easily be added to the Alaska constitution if they wanted it. That phrase does not exist in the Constitution of BoR.
Can't relate to national loyalty at all, huh?

Like you have been known to expound: "Go Team!"

Don't you know that everyone loves a winner!
How many forty-four-year-olds do you know who look that good?

A few. Although my definition of "a babe" is different than "holding up well for her age".

Not according tot he Liberal left wing press.

You're making unfounded sweeping generalizations again Jim.

Try doing it somew time. The issue is experience in public office regardless of how demanding.

No, it's not.

No, it shows a character flaw in her daughter regardless of her parent's best efforts.

Ok, parenting or the lack of safe sex education has othing to do with it. :rolleyes:

There has yet to be any proof of that and, as you have correectly pointed out, the investigation is ongoing. Maybe we should all take your advise as you expressed it during the FLDS discussions and see how the investigation turns out.

Sounds good to me

Can you show us one example where you have?

What man running for office has been in the same situation?

From the article:

Ah, contradicting claims. I guess the truth will come out soon enough.

Who cares about Sally Quin? Who here has said she's neglecting her kids?

Or where you just arguing against a point nobody made?

Yes a scary strong woman who is not a Leftist, not a Democrat, and not your ideal.

Nope, a unscary woman who McCain only met once before pinning his hopes on her who's skeletons are just starting to come out. Couldn't be less scary.
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