It's Palin ...

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After all, just look at how she feels about caribou and bears! And giant crabs! She likes them dead! All dead! She probably can't wait to play with the big guns! :rolleyes:

She already has played with the big guns.


Anyone here have any photos of Joe Biden shooting a .50 caliber Browning M2 machinegun from a tank???
No, I wouldn't say she's "bad-looking", either. I just wouldn't say "attractive". Not even in her younger pictures.


And the sad thing is that being attractive (supposedly) will definitely help. It shouldn't have anything to do with it, of course. I remember that in surveys conducted after the Nixon-Kennedy debates, those who listened to it on the radio thought Nixon won, while those who watched it on TV (the first presidential debates to be televised) thought Kennedy won.

That's a funny quirk about human nature. Form before function.

I have to admit, Hillary's got some boss threads there.

Those pants are an abomination.
Palin Says Her Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant

Palin Says Her Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant

Sarah Palin Is Sen. McCain's Choice Of Running Mate

POSTED: 12:22 pm EDT September 1, 2008
UPDATED: 12:50 pm EDT September 1, 2008

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Republican Sen. John McCain's chosen running mate, announced Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

Palin's announcement was intended to douse rumors that she faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child, according to media reports.

Bristol Palin, one of Sarah Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and plans keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by McCain's campaign.

Bristol Palin decided on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said.

"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the Palins' statement said.

"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support," the Palins said.
Full story:
dammit gonz you beat me to that dukaka pic.

so a lot of this thread is about how palin looks. says a lot, doesn't it?
After 8 years of Cheney, it's just nice to be good to look at someone worth looking at
Re: Palin Says Her Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant

Coincidently enough, BamBam's mother was an unwed teenager too. At the time his father was married---to another woman!

On Feb. 2, 1961, several months after they met, Obama's parents got married in Maui, according to divorce records. It was a Thursday. At that point, Ann was three months pregnant with Barack Obama II. Friends did not learn of the wedding until afterward. "Nobody was invited," says Abercrombie. The motivations behind the marriage remain a mystery, even to Obama. "I never probed my mother about the details. Did they decide to get married because she was already pregnant? Or did he propose to her in the traditional, formal way?" Obama wonders. "I suppose, had she not passed away, I would have asked more."
Now that her teenage daughter is pregnant--soon to be married--the left considers it a "damaging revelation" and Palin's image will "suffer".

But, they really don't have room to talk, considering Obama's momma was in the same situation.....but they will anyway, kinda like when the left refers to "lack of experience". She's actually been a governor longer than Obama's been a senator, but they don't see it that way.
'Cepting that some folks will paint her as a bad mother because her child got in the family way while Obama is lauded for rising from the mire of bastard-dom. Politics is such bullshit.
Politics is such bullshit.

I got a little Change in my pocket goin' jingle-ingle-ing.
Wanna call ya on the telephone--baby, give you a ring.
But each time we talk, I get the same old thing,
Always no huggy, no kissy till I get a weddin' ring.

Now baby, baby, baby why you wanna treat me this way?
You know I'm still your loverboy I still feel the same way.
That's when she told me the story 'bout free milk and a cow.
She says "No huggy, no kissy till I get a weddin' vow.

My honey, my baby dont't keep my love upon no shelf.
She says "Don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourself.

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