It's Palin ...

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'Cepting that some folks will paint her as a bad mother because her child got in the family way while Obama is lauded for rising from the mire of bastard-dom. Politics is such bullshit.
Of course they will. It's what self-righteous asshats do (watch this space for more examples ;) ).

On the one hand, she's not running for president. On the other hand, if something happened to McCain, would you be happy with her as "leader of the free world."

Some people have never gotten over the fact that "Boooooosh! stole the Election."
Of course they will. It's what self-righteous asshats do (watch this space for more examples ;) ).

okay here ya go. 17 year old daughter preggers. yep. acorn don't fall too far from the trailer park dud it?

nah but seriously notice obama has already taken the high road on this and said it don't mean nothin' and leave the family alone.

leave them kids alone.
Not me. Must be someone else. I don't get any banner ads so i don't know what is happening outside of what others post.

EDIT: Great! Just when I say I don't get them they show up. WTF is up with that?

Christ! That one guy's got more chins than a Chinese phone book!

You jinxed me minkey. I'll get you ... and your little dog too!
Even Time Magazine is sympathetic to Palin.,8599,1837862,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

So his name is Levi.

That's about the only thing that I didn't know about Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The rest of the details I picked up almost without trying, while talking about other things with townsfolk — some who know the governor and her family well, some who don't. It was, more or less, an open secret. And everyone was saying the same thing: the governor's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, the father is her boyfriend, and it's really nobody's business beyond that.

I happen to agree.

Plus, my understanding is she's marrying the father and they're not aborting the kid. That's in line with Palin's belief system, right?
Not me. Must be someone else. I don't get any banner ads so i don't know what is happening outside of what others post.

EDIT: Great! Just when I say I don't get them they show up. WTF is up with that?

Christ! That one guy's got more chins than a Chinese phone book!

You jinxed me minkey. I'll get you ... and your little dog too!

Adblock blocks ads on a server-by-server basis, so that ad must be hosted on a server you've never blocked an ad from before.

For me... most ads I really don't have a problem with. but sometimes if an ad is annoying, makes noise, etc. I'll block it, or if it's on a server that is always down and causes problems for the rest of the page loading, I'll block it.
Plus, my understanding is she's marrying the father and they're not aborting the kid. That's in line with Palin's belief system, right?
But it doesn't follow the "Abstinence only" method of birth control belief system that Palin's pushing.
But, they really don't have room to talk, considering Obama's momma was in the same situation

You don't really have much control over what your parents do before you're born. But hopefully you do have some control over your 17yr old kids right?

Kinda calls into question her stance on abstinence-only sex education.

But will really be damaging is if it turns out the rumors I've heard are true and that this is actually Bristol's 2nd kid. Seems that there's no lack of pictures of Palin looking not pregnant just before the birth of Trig and that Bristol was coincidentally pulled from school for over 5 months right before because of "mono".
But it doesn't follow the "Abstinence only" method of birth control belief system that Palin's pushing.

yeah but that crap rarely wins over class-specific, habituated behavior. like getting fucked and preggers at an early age.
You don't really have much control over what your parents do before you're born. But hopefully you do have some control over your 17yr old kids right?

Sure. That's what Obama's momma's momma said. I thought libs were all for "let it all hang out". What's the deal?

Kinda calls into question her stance on abstinence-only sex education.

But it doesn't follow the "Abstinence only" method of birth control belief system that Palin's pushing.

Isn't that hypocritical?

Lib-supported media and entertainment industry create a sex-saturated culture and then they point out that abstinence-only sex education doesn't work. :shrug:

But will really be damaging is if it turns out the rumors I've heard are true and that this is actually Bristol's 2nd kid. Seems that there's no lack of pictures of Palin looking not pregnant just before the birth of Trig and that Bristol was coincidentally pulled from school for over 5 months right before because of "mono".

And that explains why the baby has Down's Syndrome: because his mother is 17 years old and not in her mid-40s, when that affliction is a bigger possibility.

But will really be damaging is if it turns out the rumors I've heard are true and that this is actually Bristol's 2nd kid. Seems that there's no lack of pictures of Palin looking not pregnant just before the birth of Trig and that Bristol was coincidentally pulled from school for over 5 months right before because of "mono".

You just aren't very good at math, are you.

Bristol Palin 5 months pregnant - Trig Palin 4 months old = -1 month.

So you believe that a woman can start one pregnancy while she is still pregnant with another pregnancy?

Do you even know how mammalian reproduction works?
You don't really have much control over what your parents do before you're born. But hopefully you do have some control over your 17yr old kids right?

Truly spoken like someone who has never had children. :rofl:
Ya'll are forgetting that this woman was in the public eye through her pregnancy. So unless you are proposing she padded her belly then the baby is obviously her own.
trig born april 18th.

i can count on both my hands. the "5 months" may not be the most precise measurement. some fudging is expected here.

the 17 year old could be the mom. she woulda had to have gotten knocked up within a couple of weeks, but i've heard that before. in buford, georgia, from a girl named brandy, who also fell not too far from the trailer park.
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