It's time again...

red lettering & an X, which we all know stands for Christ (ask freak, he'll tell ya). Christmasy enough?
Gonz said:
red lettering & an X, which we all know stands for Christ (ask freak, he'll tell ya). Christmasy enough?


It's gotta be either full fledged Christmas or have a Santa hat
I was going to,

I copied my avatar, drew santa hats on all the appliances, then tried to upload it.

That image is too large. The maximum dimensions are 125 by 125 pixels.

My old avatar is 150x150.

edit - attached

I shrunk yours with photoshop for you.

edit: although it says 150x150 is allowed...lemme check something
Oh, I am perfectly capable of shrinking it with Irfanview. My foolish pride, however, will not allow me to downgrade the size of my avatar.