I've got a secret

I, however, am GOD ALMIGHTY--hey Gonz, how ya doing? Sorry to use your bandwidth and all but you say I don't exist, so it's not really me is it? :biker:
Leslie is glad that GOD ALMIGHTY is admin here. Leslie appreciates both the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY and that of Gonz on this board. Leslie also has faith in samcurry's decisions, and will back them with all she has. Leslie praises the gods for this board, and will do anything in her power to keep it going. Leslie wishes to take this opportunity to thank samcurry, fury and GOD ALMIGHTY for all their devotion to this board, and for tolerating the contemptible trolls so that we may keep it.

Leslie says, thanks to all of you! :headbang:
greenfreak said:
You would think that, wouldn't you?

Well it's true, she's admitted it before... do I really need to go dig up the thread? :p

Not that there's anything wrong with it, really. It got me admin of OTC for a day, anyway. :cocktail:
A few things to set the record straight.

I do not, by choice, mod this board. That is left to the mods of each individual forum. I have the right to do so as an admin. Any actions I've taken were within my boundries. My admin privileges are earned. There are things I do that I choose not to announce & make public. It's between Samcurry & myself. fury is aware of some of them, but not all. It is irrelevant to the furthering of the boards that these things be made public.

There was not one complaint, publically, about the monicker GOD ALMIGHTY until an unnamed former member left of his/her volition, after knowing of the source. You are the second to state a complaint. Unfortunately for your credibility, not until the former member complained first. If it were a problem it would have been excised already.

You, sbcanada, do not speak for said former member of this board. You are unaware of the complete situation and should ceases & desist making comments in which you are ignorant. I will not discuss this former member with a non moderator or administrator. Nor will other mods or admins. Let this matter drop & return to business as usual. OTC is a entertaining site that has no need for bickering amongst the members & staff. Should you continue to harass the staff at OTC, you may find yourself banned, yet again.
You, sbcanada, do not speak for said former member of this board. Should you continue to harass the staff at OTC, you may find yourself banned, yet again.

Actually, I do speak for said former member of this board, most of the time at his request.

If you want to ban me, you go right ahead. I will not be threatened by fucktards like yourself. :anifingr:
Why even bother coming back to this forum when you hate some people around here so much?

Main goal is to have a good time here. If you don't have that, then go. If you're trying to ruin the fun for others, don't visit this place.

Why is that so hard to understand? Are you really that bored that you should annoy other people you don't even know?
Well, I personnally like GOD ALMIGHTY. Pretty cool roleplay here, and excellent timing/replies to posts that matters about him :headbang:.

I'm Christian (although not praticant (sp?)), but I find that much anyone, Christian or not, with a decent sense of humor shouldn't be really offended by this, isn't it ?(
I too, like the role God Almighty plays here. I am Catholic, and believe very strongly in the fact that there is one true god. I worship him daily. I would also like to think that my one true god thinks in much the same way that God Almighty thinks. With a realistic, yet humorous outlook on life.

Now, see if I can do this without violating the AUP. One certain member of this board is really starting to piss me off. I'm with most of you, if you don't like it here, leave. Please. It seems you have a problem with all of the mods, admins, and a good portion of the members as well. Do you like to be disliked? It seems you must. I, as well as most normal balanced people would not spend time in a place where my presence was not appreciated.
I just wanna throw out that I like the idea of the admin having a second account to post with. Provided that the admin account is kept for just that. Admin.
this is how I feel about trolling ..

if you want to troll, whatever ... but don't "use" those other identities to start bullshit if it includes pitting member against member. And don't use it to "get information", talking about "yourself" in the third person to see how people talk shit about you.

And Shadowfax is right .. if you don't like it here or the people here, then go ... it's simple as that

and for the record, even though my "trolling is bullshit" thread was deleted (and I didn't even get to read the posts *sniff*), I'm all good with it because I respect the opinions and decisions of this mod staff and the admins.