Jeepers creepers

I liked it alot.. I especially loved the scene where they were running it over again and again and the scene where hit ripped the cop's head off then bit his toungue out... classic horror..

I can't wait to see Jeepers Creepers 2... :evilcool:

I recommend also watching 13 Ghosts if you like horror.. very good movie.. :)
Jeepers Creepers was a borderline scary stupid to me...howe'er, it freaked me out enough to want to watch #2

Kevin76 said:
I recommend also watching 13 Ghosts if you like horror.. very good movie.. :)
Scared shitless of this was one of those "finally" a scary movie that actually made me scared. :headbang:
And if you get the chance.. make sure that it's the DVD version of 13 Ghosts that you watch... once you watch the movie, watch the special features.. they did a great job on the DVD, definitely one you would want to own... :)

When I was younger, I saw Stephen King's "IT". It scared the pants off me. I was afraid of going upstairs alone in the dark.

Now I've seen it recently, and it doesn't seem that scary. It's still good though.
arachnaphobia is nice if you're 10, and all alone at home watching it on a dark attic :)

them spiders still scare the shit out of me, lol
13 Ghosts was the first real horror movie that i'd seen in years.
BTW, for anyone who liked the music from that movie it's done(i think) by bad company or EIB. Some wicked and evil electronic.
Little story for those that have seen the first Final Destination.. this scared the shit outta me...

I had just got done watching the movie and was going out for a little while with my brother.. we hopped into his car and got a few blocks down the road and I reached over and flipped on the radio.. starting going thru stations and ended up stopping for half a second on a country music station that just happened to be playing "Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver..

Was it just a coincedence?? Neither one of us cared.. he turned around and we went straight back home...
No offense to any of the opinions and their authors but none of those movies were remotely scary.

13 Ghosts - A joke. It wasn't scary, i just felt bad for the ghosts and their miserable pasts.

IT - felt angry and betrayed by friends after their highly, shaking voices recommended this movie. Some were scared straight by this movie..i just wanted to abuse some friends for escalating my hopes and then delievering a pathetic clown with a Charles Manson complex.

Jeepers Creepers - Good movie but not scary by any means.

The Ring - Nope..not scary at all.

Final destination - I have seen scarier Buffy episodes.
Scary was when I went to watch 28 days later with my little bro.

when we got there we were the only two people in the screen and it was on the biggest screen i the place.

we was scared to death.

and just to add comedy value. my bro's phone rang half way through and he answered it and whispered ' I can't talk now' and hung up. It wouldn't have mattered too much coz there is always someone talking on the phone when we are watching TV at home so you get used to blocking it out.
some of the ones Ive liked were

the Beyond: not scary but extraordinarily gory

Evil Dead Trilogy: classic

Night of the Living Dead: classic

Pet Sematary: the book and the movie scared me shitless. i couldnt sleep for a week after I saw that one in 6th grade(10 years old)

The Ring(freaked me and some friends out at school)

Return of the Living Dead: funny shit right there

It: the book is far better but the movie was fantastic

Silence of the Lambs: still scares me since its based on a few serial killers who were real

The Shinning: Stanley Kubrick. Doing Stephen King. damn good.

Clockwork Orange: tho the book is far better the movie does it some justice.

Childs PLay: funny and classic

Friday the 13th: i grew up on Jason and Freddy

Nightmare on Elm Street: see above
Buttcrackdivine said:
No offense to any of the opinions and their authors but none of those movies were remotely scary.

13 Ghosts - A joke. It wasn't scary, i just felt bad for the ghosts and their miserable pasts.

IT - felt angry and betrayed by friends after their highly, shaking voices recommended this movie. Some were scared straight by this movie..i just wanted to abuse some friends for escalating my hopes and then delievering a pathetic clown with a Charles Manson complex.

Jeepers Creepers - Good movie but not scary by any means.

The Ring - Nope..not scary at all.

Final destination - I have seen scarier Buffy episodes.

Ok tough guy what's a scary movie then? Give us atleast two.
I forgot to say before that when I watched Jeepers Creepers I was soooooooo bored that I fell asleep in the cinemas.

Says it all really don't it?
Kevin76 said:
I liked it alot.. I especially loved the scene where they were running it over again and again and the scene where hit ripped the cop's head off then bit his toungue out... classic horror..

I can't wait to see Jeepers Creepers 2... :evilcool:

I recommend also watching 13 Ghosts if you like horror.. very good movie.. :)
The cop that got his tongue ripped out was also the guy who actually played the creeper. So in effect he bit out his own tongue :sick3:
Jeepers Creepers was just about as scary as watching a Jerry Springer episode................well, actually some of the Springer guests are scarier :rolleyes:

Arachnaphobia and IT scared the begeezuz outa me when I was a kid, then again it could be because I've always had an irrational fear of spiders and clowns.

And I recall feeling decidedly edgy after watching Halloween, Fright Night and The Thing. Can't say that I've seen any good scary ones lately. ('cept the home videos of my very hairy drunken mates trying on their girlfriend's bikini tops and stockings)