Jetso Shuts down, my husband is stranded

Uki Chick

New Member
Jetsgo shuts down, strands travellers
Last Updated Fri, 11 Mar 2005 06:11:12 EST
CBC News

MONTREAL - Discount airline Jetsgo is grounding its fleet immediately and advising travellers to find another way to get to their destination.

Fucken Airline

So, bad enough I'm left alone for a week, now he's stranded in Edmonton. He was due to fly back on Jetgo sunday and now I don't know what the fuck is happening. He hasn't called me or emailed me since tuesday, so I'm freaking out. I barely slept last night, then I get up at 5 this morning, listen to the news at 5:30 to hear that Jetsgo has grounded all fleet and I don't know how my husband is getting back. I'm going to kill him for not keeping in contact with me.
Professur said:
Good Lord. You mean he hasn't called you snce he got there?

He got there on Sunday, called me for two seconds when he got off the plane. I got an email from him on monday, he called me at the office tuesday and emailed me on wednesday. since then, I haven't heard a goddamn thing. I have a million things going through my mind and I'm totally freaked out.
I still haven't heard that's it's declared bankrupcy yet. Once they do, all held tickets are worth as much as last week's lottery tickets. But the company that he's training with, they flew him out, right? It's not on your own dollar?

At worst, we'll drive out and bring him back. No fear.
Professur said:
I still haven't heard that's it's declared bankrupcy yet. Once they do, all held tickets are worth as much as last week's lottery tickets. But the company that he's training with, they flew him out, right? It's not on your own dollar?

At worst, we'll drive out and bring him back. No fear.

According to the article, they are going to the gov't to get bankruptcy protection, but none of the tickets will be honoured. The employees flew him out there. The owner of the company they work for doesn't even know that Paul is there because they want to buy him out and have Paul run the Montreal branch when and if it opens. So now I don't know if they will pay for him to come back or if he has to pay part of it himself.
I think it is Sky Service that is picking up some of jetsgo's passengers and getting the to where they need to go..

he will prob. be delayed a bit
I hear that some of the competition is selling tickets to JetsGo travellers at discounts. Picking up new clients while they're at it.

Paul's probably busy enough with work etc.. down there. I wouldn't worry about him too much.
Busy or not, you phone your wife. I hate phones with a passion, and I still called in every night I was on the road.
That's why cell phones were invented, To call home, cheaply.

Oh, and the boss too I suppose.
HomeLAN said:
Truer words were never spoke.

Exactly my point. Even if you can't call every day, at least a couple of times during the week. he had the 800 number to the office, so that would have cost him nothing and he had a calling card as well. No excuse.
Been there, done that, got too many t-shirts to count.

still, in the end, I'd rather have infrequenter actually wants to talk calls than a perfuntionary call because of obligation.

And...alone time was always refreshing to me. I'd hate to need someone that badly that two days drives me around the bend.
Oh boy - someone's in deeeeeeeeep shit, I predict.

No matter what, you can call every day. It's only considerate. (unless otherwise agreed upon)

Shall I hunt him down and smack him good while he's still here in Deadmonton?
best wishes and I hope he calls. Does he have a cel or did he leave a number where you can reach him?
Spirit, you're more than welcome to hunt him down and smack him out.

Leslie, I don't mind a couple of days, but he's been away since sunday and I only spoke to him once. it was the first time he was going somewhere alone, so i was worried.

Freako, no, he didn't even give me a number to reach him, that's what bothered me the most and he doesn't have a cell.

He did call though, finally and he's booked on a flight with Westjet for sunday. I'm relieved, but he's still going to get a talking to in regards to consideration of others, especially his wife.
The funny thing is that they were advertising $1 flights earlier this week on the radio. Guess I won't be buying one of them... not that I was going to anyway.
nodnod said:
The funny thing is that they were advertising $1 flights earlier this week on the radio. Guess I won't be buying one of them... not that I was going to anyway.

His return flight was one of those $1 specials.