Jimmy Cahtah's pride and joy falling apart

Really Jim? You're just going to run from this one and hope to change the subject again?

Let me throw you a bone.

I have been unable to find any stories of quality issues in any other area.

Even Michelle Malklin comes to a halfhearted defense of Carter and HFH.

All Jimmy Carter-bashing and schadenfreude aside, do the residents have a bona fide case or are these professional moochers trying to pin blame on others for their own lack of personal responsibility?

Probably a bit of both. A few of the houses seem to have been clearly uninhabitable. In 2005, the cracks in one foundation reportedly “became so severe that the house had to be lifted and settled on piers. Engineers hired by HabiJax found six feet of debris buried under the soil,” reports the NYT.
But she ends HER ARTICLE thus:

In the end, I can’t say I feel too much sympathy for Jimmy Carter and his Hollywood partners. The Left has stoked both eco-zealotry and the entitlement culture with impunity. Perhaps they’ll feel a little less inclined to feed those beasts after getting bitten squarely in the ass.

So there. Go have yourself a beer.
So, again that does not address the flaw in your reasoning and your generalizations that you make on a daily basis. Could you just address the post already?

Who on earth would really give a shit about what Malklin thinks? It has nothing to do with this.