Jimmy Cahtah's pride and joy falling apart

you better go smack bish in that other thread, too.

you seem to be into a lot of smacking today.

it's cool. :D
*smacks Nalani upside the head



hehehe .. sorry, just couldn't resist .. but it's all good, he's officially on ignore now. There's a certain level of stupidity that's just unwarranted .. and it's dragging me in LOL
I've been ignoring you for my own sanity (and because all I hear when you say 'fine' is a 5 year-old stomping around with a big 'harumphy' look on his face) but I just couldn't pass this up. Ok. You go ahead with that statement and I'll make a similar statement on another subject with the exact same connotation.

"Last night I went to Walmart and could only find one competent, literate, knows-what-they're-doing employee who could help me with a simple price check out of the myriad of employees I spoke with, which leads one to ponder how many other Walmart employees or Walmart-trained employees may be lacking in these basic elementary skills".

Generalizations are so easy.

And that "one competent, literate, knows-what-they're-doing employee who could help [you] with a simple price check out of the myriad of employees [you] spoke with" was ... me; for I am competent, literate, and I know what I'm doing. Not "me" in person, of course, but someone who reflects me in my knowledge, competency, and literacy.

A point in fact. A lady came to my register today with a $75.00 DVD player. She thought she had grabbed the $49.00 unit but the unit she grabbed was out of place.

I called back to electronics and asked if they has any of the $49.00 units and they did not. I then asked her about the usage of the unit and what capabilities she needed. It turned out she is a teacher and her students would be using it to view study subjects.

I then called back to electronics and asked if we had any of the Magnavox $29.00 units; and would they bring one to my register. They did. She bought it and I saved her $46.00 from the original unit she grabbed and $20.00 off of the unit she originally intended to buy.

Knowledgeable, competent, literate, and, most of all, a true know-it-all.

That's me.

In the meantime... in your case, a competent, literate, knows-what-they're-doing customer could have simply gone over to one of the clearly marked "Find The Price" stations which are installed throughout the store; scanned the price; and never would have had to deal with those they feel are incompetent, illiterate, and don't know what they're doing .
That little $29 Magnavox one gets returned a lot. One of the things I learned by having an ex that worked the return desk.
That little $29 Magnavox one gets returned a lot. One of the things I learned by having an ex that worked the return desk.

I see the Visio brand LCD TVs come back a lot. Visio is a relatively new brand and they are likely having growing pains.

I haven't seen many of those Magnavox DVD players come back, though I don't work Customer Service very often.

Most DVD problems are born of poor maintenance regardless of the branding.
And that "one competent, literate, knows-what-they're-doing employee who could help [you] with a simple price check out of the myriad of employees [you] spoke with" was ... me; for I am competent, literate, and I know what I'm doing. Not "me" in person, of course, but someone who reflects me in my knowledge, competency, and literacy.

Jim you completely missed her point about making unfounded generlaizations. Could you read what she posted again?
most dvd problems i have come from the crap hollywood puts on the disc

Use DVD Decrypter to decrypt your discs. Then use DVD Shrink to get rid of all of the BS that Hollywood puts in. There is nothing illegal about this as you may lawfully make a backup copy of your discs for your own use. There are legal idiosyncrasies to this, such as you may not transfer the backup disc to a new owner if you sell or give the disc away. You must destroy the backup and the new owner must make their own. You cannot keep the backup because you no longer own the original. All of that falls within the anti-piracy laws.

I back up all of my DVDs and I strip out the director's commentary, non-English audio and captions, bios, alternate endings, etc, etc, etc, I keep only the main movie file.

If you need any help in doing this, if you desire, simply PM me and I will get you the info.
I see the Visio brand LCD TVs come back a lot. Visio is a relatively new brand and they are likely having growing pains.

Visio, Polariod, Olevia are three of the shittiest LCD TV manufacturers. I wouldn't call it growing pains - I'd call it that they're looking to undercut reputable manufacturers like Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, LG, etc. by offering subpar products at rock bottom prices.

At Circuit City, those three brands accounted for over 75% of the television returns and exchanges. Not only were people less satisfied with them, but they came back with problems a lot more often than the better brands.

But the customer is always right, and even if you tell them they're better off with the $800 Samsung than with the $600 Visio for the same size, or they're better off with a 20" Sony than a 23" Olevia for the same price, they won't listen, because they saw in the newspaper circular that you can get ___ inches for ____ dollars, and that's what they want. Then, they come back whining two days later that the TV doesn't work, or the picture is fuzzy, or they get static with their cable, and exchange it for the TV they were suggested in the first place, and complain to the manager that the store sells shitty products.

To be fair, though, Walmart seems to have more than its fair share of idiot employees.

I was with Sawhney89 (if anyone remembers him) at Walmart about a week and a half ago. We were in Christiansburg, Virginia (yeah, I get around the East Coast a lot)
He had a mini fridge that was $104.88. It was the last one on the shelf.
He mentioned that it was damaged (there were a few small dents on the door) but the cashier said there were no more in stock, and offered a 10% discount, since the damage appeared to be cosmetic.

Now, someone with a mathematic education beyond that of third grade would move the decimal to find 10% ... so $10.49
From there, it's simple subtraction: 104.88 - 10.49 = 94.39.

But, as luck would have it, apparently third grade math ability is not what Walmart is looking for when it hires cashiers.

So the cashier asks her manager what 10% of 104.88 is. The manager walks to another terminal, and gets a calculator.
"It's about eleven bucks" she tells the cashier
The cashier then mumbles "104.88 minus 11... ummm... hmmm... let's see" for a moment, before I decide to end her mathematical anguish and inform her politely that the answer is $93.88

And that's how Sawhney89 and I got his fridge with a 10% scratch and dent discount plus an additional 51 cent "I am not good at math" discount.

I don't think I'm too demanding in my expectation that everyone should be able to do simple multiplication and addition in a timely manner. It's not like I was asking her to solve Laplace's equation or do a Fourier transform or anything even remotely challenging.
But, as luck would have it, apparently third grade math ability is not what Walmart is looking for when it hires cashiers.
This is prevalent throughout the industry. The people that the schools are turning out can't read their diploma but they know how to put a condom on a cucumber.

I get many compliments on how I count change back to the penny. People just don't see that much anymore and they appreciate it when they find it.

Many times I get people who are splitting the bill for goods; and I can do the math in my head. One day I had four women who wanted to split the bill and we got through it just fine and I didn't have to reach for a calculator or a pencil and paper.

My wife and I, several years ago, went to the video store to rent a video. The video was ~2.00, or so, and my wife gave the girl behind the counter a ten dollar bill. The girl comes back with $13 and change.

Now, my wife was the head cashier for a major retailer for some time, and this seemed a bit suspicious to her, so she says, "Honey, this isn't right. You gave me too much change." and hands the money back to the girl.

She then commences to argue with my wife that the register said that that was the proper change.

So my wife says, "I gave you a ten dollar bill for a $2.00 purchase. I now have the product plus more money than I gave you."

The girl says "But the register says that this is the change."

We ask for the manager.

He comes up and we explain the issue which he immediately corrects. He is quite sorry for the error. I told him "Maybe she thought we gave her a $15 bill."

We never went there again.
I understood it. So?

You didn't respond to it as if you understood it at all. Care to give it a shot?

I don't agree with her on some things either but she made a succinct point about your constant generalizing and you should respond. This thread is ideal example because your generalization was shot down by almost everyone including H20 who you claimed you would never debate.

So just suck it up and grow a little bit Jim.