Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' already outpacing Glenn Beck's rally

That is the number that has been stated were at the Back rally -- even by the lefties.

"CBS News paid an independent firm to estimate Beck's crowd size. The firm, which specializes in making crowd size estimates for many organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security, used multiple aerial photos and independent experts to make their estimate. Their analysis revealed that approximately 87,000 people attended Beck's rally."
Well, given that supporters of the 'honor' rally had to take time off their jobs to attend, and supporters of the 'sanity' don't have to be home to have their welfare checks delivered ... I agree with Spike that Stewart's rally should far outpace Beck's.

It's actually the opposite.

Daily Show viewers are smarter and more educated than Fox viewers. That would make the Fox viewers less likely to be well employed.

Oh, but you were just trolling.
It's actually the opposite.

Daily Show viewers are smarter and more educated than Fox viewers. That would make the Fox viewers less likely to be well employed.

Oh, but you were just trolling.

Actually I was pointing out that people support what profits them. How they define profit differs from person to person, but the fact doesn't change. Assuming that the people involved in EITHER case actually have a clue what's going on is presumptuous in the extreme. I doubt one in ten from either crowd could tell you why they're there without resorting to spouting cliches and slogans.

Pretty much the same odds as here.
Sure spike, arent' you the guy who has steadily told us.
  • Man made global warming is real with scientific consensus
  • ObamaScare is great and supported by most most Americans.
  • Obamanomics and the stimulus worked.
Your have been consistently on the lying side of the story, a propaganda pimp with an obsession for discrediting and silencing those who oppose your commie ideals.

You "facts" are weak cheaply manufactured from lefty sources and straight talking poiints. You promote rewritten history and are smart as any other useful idiot.

I'm really not concerned about the comedy rally. My only hope is that you might develope some basic level of creativity and individualism. -- I'm cetain to be disappointed.

Have fun at your rally, capitalism works.
Your current speculation doesn't have much in common with your earlier trolling.
You are getting good with that line.

Any time you have difficulty with something someone says you call it trolling. Reality, its just not for you.


A real opportunity squandered, unprecedented.
Sure spike, arent' you the guy who has steadily told us.
  • Man made global warming is real with scientific consensus
  • ObamaScare is great and supported by most most Americans.
  • Obamanomics and the stimulus worked.

Those things are nice. Relevance to current discussion?

Your have been consistently on the lying side of the story

No, I have been the one proving your lies wrong on a daily basis while you throw tantrums in frustration that your fascist ideals, fear mongering, and misinformation go nowhere.

You "facts" are weak cheaply manufactured from lefty sources and straight talking poiints.

Please try and discredit my facts sometimes instead of all the tantrums. That would be fun for a change.

My only hope is that you might develope some basic level of creativity and individualism.

If only you could somehow approach 1/10th of my current level in those areas the you might have less need of tantrums and trolling.
LOL, again with the trolling defense.
  • Man made global warming was fear mongering for an agenda real science be damned. -- you promoted the lie
  • Most Americans want health care repealed and its negativity affecting insurance companies. -- you promoted the lie
  • Obamnomics was a complete failure and has caused more harm than doing nothing. Larry summers was driven to resign to give the appearance that Obama is finally moving in the right direction. we all know he will not. -- you promoted the lie
You promoted the lies with a cheery stream of "facts' that were the lie.


Have a great day spike.
LOL, again with the trolling defense.
  • Man made global warming was fear mongering for an agenda real science be damned.

  • You made that up. Most real scientists would disagree with you.

    Most Americans want health care repealed and its negativity affecting insurance companies. -- you promoted the lie

    Even if that were true what lie did I promote. You made shit up again?

    Obamnomics was a complete failure and has caused more harm than doing nothing.

    You made that up. Specifically what lie do you think I promoted? How about a quote.




    Have a great day spike.

    You too!

    Keep making stuff up and I'll keep knocking 'em down.



After the Colbert performance testimony, I'm really looking forward to this political event.

Are you going spike? Show your love of country and stand up for your beliefs, you really should be there.
After the Colbert performance testimony, I'm really looking forward to this political event.

Yeah, the testimony was pretty good. Glad you're looking forward tot he event.

Are you going spike? Show your love of country and stand up for your beliefs, you really should be there.

Might be able to make it. It's crunch time at work right now though. Things might calm down in a couple weeks.

Ronald Reagan would be proud of Obama’s tax rates