Judge Alito confirmation

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I dunno

get a haircut and a job?
Don't smack me, but just back on topic for a moment..... :lloyd:
I just heard the gov of IL. say he's banning abortion because he foresees
Alito getting confirmed, and abortion going back to state by state.
I personally don't see that happening.
Remember...only in America can one judge in a panel of 9 can stop abortion. Isn't that great :rolleyes:
A beautiful sight
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito completed his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday after frustrated Democrats took a final crack at getting more definitive answers from the 55-year-old conservative.

President George W. Bush's nominee appeared headed toward confirmation later this month by the full Republican-led Senate, but more than half the Democrats were expected to oppose him.

Following three days of questioning of Alito, the Senate Judiciary Committee was to hear from outside witnesses, including some of Alito's colleagues on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

What's the problem?
Wikipedia said:
...the "Ginsburg Precedent", which centered on Ginsburg's confirmation hearings. In those hearings, she did not answer some questions involving matters such as abortion, gay rights, separation of church and state, rights of the disabled, and so on. Only one witness was allowed to testify "against" Ginsburg at her confirmation hearings, and the hearings only lasted four days. They also pointed out then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden told her to not answer questions she did not feel comfortable answering.
Winky said:
Think about it!

Soon and very soon indeed we will be living in a country

where everything including the Supreme Court
is dominated by us Republicans!

Oh what wunderful werld it will be!

You will Obey!
And lets not forget to trade in our circuses for bread.

In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, “Make us your slaves, but feed us.”
According to the Democrats, the world, as we know it, has just ended
Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. became the nation's 110th Supreme Court justice on Tuesday, confirmed with the most partisan victory in modern history after a fierce battle over the future direction of the high court.

The Senate voted 58-42 to confirm Alito
If the ones we have do thier job, it won't matter since they won't be making law