Junk Science

Re: Junk Reporting

Proving once again that Fox is full of shit. The trans fat bit alone is enough reason to disregard the whole article. Trans fats that are a problem are man made fat that interrupts your metabolism and are very hard for your body to break down. They only occur naturally in very miniscule amounts.

Trans fats occur naturally, in small quantities, in meat and dairy products from ruminants. Most trans fats consumed today, however, are industrially created as a side effect of partial hydrogenation of plant oils — a process developed in the early 1900s and first commercialized as Crisco in 1911. Partial hydrogenation changes a fat's molecular structure (raising its melting point and reducing rancidity) but this process also results in a proportion of the changed fat becoming trans fat.

Unlike other fats, trans fats are neither required nor beneficial for health.[1] Eating trans fat increases the risk of coronary heart disease.[2] For these reasons, health authorities worldwide recommend that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are generally considered to be more of a health risk than those occurring naturally.[3]

Trans fats are increasingly being linked to chronic health conditions, are tightly regulated in a few countries, are mandatory on product labels in many others, and are the central issue in several ongoing lawsuits (particularly against fast food outlets). Many companies are voluntarily removing trans fats from their products, or establishing trans-free product lines.


Junk reporting is more like it.
Ah, more wikipedia! Great! If some nutcase with an agenda and too much time on his/her hands types it into wiki, it MUST be true! Teh end is neer!!
Wikipedia > Fox News.

You guys wouldn't happen to have some info that trans fats are good for you would you? :rolleyes:
I've got proof that smoking is both good and bad for you. Alcohol helps prevent and cause coronary problems. I gave up giving a shit what the doctors have to say about XXXXX a long time back. Moderation in all things is the only key.
Milloy's an idiot for sale. OTOH, I've known the DDT thing for years and years. :shrug: Typical overreaction to a minor problem. How many people have died worldwide because a few farmers used DDT incorectly. Probably millions. This is why you have to do the science instead of reacting to the hype. First it was fatty foods, then carbohydrates. Now it's trans-fat. What will it be in three years? I promise it will be something else. If we died from everything that's killing us over the years we'd have become extinct long ago.
Milloy's an idiot for sale. OTOH, I've known the DDT thing for years and years. :shrug: Typical overreaction to a minor problem. How many people have died worldwide because a few farmers used DDT incorectly. Probably millions. This is why you have to do the science instead of reacting to the hype. First it was fatty foods, then carbohydrates. Now it's trans-fat. What will it be in three years? I promise it will be something else. If we died from everything that's killing us over the years we'd have become extinct long ago.

You forget. The average sheep doesn't have the gray cells to spare to actually think once their done talking on their cell phone, worrying about whether the neighbours have a better X-box than they do, worrying about their breast/penis size and whether their SUV is beg enough to compensate. Reacting is all they've got time or brains for. And, after all, it wouldn't be cool to miss the bandwagon.
Spike rebutted the Fox science of "Trans-fats are good" with a Wiki quote. The Wiki quote probably came from a reputable site, but an attack on Wiki was forthcoming anyway, the actual rebuttal never came. :shrug:

For the record:

Trans fat (also known as trans fatty acids) is a specific type of fat formed when liquid oils are made into solid fats like shortening and hard margarine. However, a small amount of trans fat is found naturally, primarily in some animal-based foods.

Where will I find trans fat?

Vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers cookies, snack foods, and other foods made with or fried in partially hydrogenated oils.
Trans fat behaves like saturated fat by raising low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol that increases your risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Trans fat can be found in some of the same foods as saturated fat, such as vegetable shortenings, some margarines, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Trans fat is made when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil -- a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods containing these fats. Usually the hydrogen atoms at a double bond are positioned on the same side of the carbon chain. However, partial hydrogenation reconfigures some double bonds and the hydrogen atoms end up on different sides of the chain. This type of configuration is called "trans" (means "across" in Latin). The structure of a trans unsaturated chemical bond looks like the diagram below.

Q: Should trans fat be eliminated from the diet?

A: No. According to experts, eliminating trans fat completely from the diet would require such extraordinary dietary changes (e.g., elimination of foods, such as dairy products and meats that contain trans fatty acids) that eliminating trans fat could cause an inadequate intake of some nutrients and create health risks.


Basically...you can't eliminate trans-fats from your diet entirely, but adding unnecessary trans-fats to your diet (margerine, fried foods etc..) is still a bad thing to do.

The Wiki-quote in this case was supported. Not in all cases but...
One can argue either way. The reasoning behind such a ban is because of the potential to cause problems. Guess what? If people actually avoid unhealthy things, none of this would be an issue. I smoke cigarettes...I drink on occasion...I eat fatty foods from time to time. Guess what else? I limit myself so that my potential is relatively low. Today, for lunch, I'm having my first 'burger and fries' in almost seven months. Like prof said...moderation is the key to survival. Anything else is a faster ticket to your 6X6X3 piece of the farm.

One more thing...How long have trans-fatty acids been around, and why are they, just now, being called a health hazard?
One can argue either way. The reasoning behind such a ban is because of the potential to cause problems. Guess what? If people actually avoid unhealthy things, none of this would be an issue. I smoke cigarettes...I drink on occasion...I eat fatty foods from time to time. Guess what else? I limit myself so that my potential is relatively low. Today, for lunch, I'm having my first 'burger and fries' in almost seven months. Like prof said...moderation is the key to survival. Anything else is a faster ticket to your 6X6X3 piece of the farm.

One more thing...How long have trans-fatty acids been around, and why are they, just now, being called a health hazard?

Thing is, Gato... People don't avoid unhealthy things and its expensive to keep smokers and overweight people alive. So...in the same way that anti-smoking plackards are going up all over the damn place, a push towards healthier cooking is sure to follow.

I do agree in the whole moderation thing, but we're a minority :p
Let people make their own choices, stay out of their lives & let them live/die at their own pace. Jeez.
Let people make their own choices, stay out of their lives & let them live/die at their own pace. Jeez.

that's all and good but the problem is that most people don't understand how bad trans fats. food companies do. they still use them.

the good thing about smoking is that even smokers know its dangerous.

fox news is full of shit. that article is full of half-truths and superficialities that it's only good for "conservative" propaganda, which sends the sheep right back to the feed trough that they know and love. head down right in it.
that's all and good but the problem is that most people don't understand how bad trans fats. food companies do. they still use them.

So what? Scientists don't know what's bad for us either. If they did, the list wouldn't change every other month.

Bacon fat is good.