Jury duty


Well-Known Member
Being a non-citizen of my resident country, I'm a bit estranged from the process. But how does this work? Does your boss still have to pay you? How long can you be expected to be away from work? What the hell is your boss supposed to do while you're not there? If you work for yourself, then what? Do you get paid for jury duty? what if you don't get picked for any juries during the first day? do you have to keep going back?
Rob started jury duty today...'course he doesn't have a real job but...they are paying him $25 a day and apparently jury duty runs for a week unless you get unlucky and are sat on a trial that lasts longer.
I know that you can not lose your job over having to serve but I don't know if they have to pay you while you are absent.
You get assigned to a jury pool and, to the best of my knowledge, if you don't get sat the first day you have to call a phone number each night to see if your pool has to report the next day. They do have your ass for a week and if they want you to come everyday then you will go everyday.
I believe it would be different for each Province.I've been called up twice and both times my employer paid my full hourly wage for all hours served (even if I'm PT Costco still pays 40hrs if thats what you serve),although its not mandatory.If your serving would be a hardship i.e. your the boss/only employee you can have your obligation to serve on a Jury waived.
Depending on the case, civil or criminal ,they let you know how long the cases may last.You get a small $pitance$(sp) from the court for your time ,but it would barely cover lunch.They have 40-50 people show up and chosse for a number of cases on one day,it never went into a second day of selection.
Professur said:
But how does this work?
You show up after they pick your name from the voter registration rolls & pisss & moan how you'd rather be at the dentist.
Prof said:
Does your boss still have to pay you?
No but the decent ones do.
Prof said:
How long can you be expected to be away from work?
As long as necessary
Prof said:
What the hell is your boss supposed to do while you're not there?
It's your covoc duty. Everybody suffers.
Prof said:
If you work for yourself, then what?
S.O.L. (there are hardship dismissals)
Prof said:
Do you get paid for jury duty?
Technically yes but since when is $5./day considered pay? or $10 or even $25.
Prof said:
what if you don't get picked for any juries during the first day? do you have to keep going back?
You may be dismaissed oryou may be off the hook. That is a local consideration.
Rob's on his way home. He did not get sat today. he needs to call the automated number tonight to see if he has to go in tomorrow.
He did the sweetest thing. They offered him the ability to give his $25 a day to charity and he chose the Humane society :D
One time I got off jury duty by wearing a shirt that said...

If you can't hang em
Shoot em!!
Judge Roy Bean 1895...

Not only the Judge took a dim view of it but the defence attourny was shitting his pants...
Professur said:

THANKS didn't hafat yell, I mean I'm not deef or nuthin
Professur said:
Being a non-citizen of my resident country, I'm a bit estranged from the process. But how does this work? Does your boss still have to pay you? How long can you be expected to be away from work? What the hell is your boss supposed to do while you're not there? If you work for yourself, then what? Do you get paid for jury duty? what if you don't get picked for any juries during the first day? do you have to keep going back?

In California, your name is picked off the driver's license and voter registration rolls. You are sent a jury summons in the mail with your date. You have to call after 5 p.m. the day before your assigned date, and enter your group number. With that phone call, one of three things will happen: 1. You will be instructed to appear in court at 8 a.m. 2. You will be dismissed and your service will be finished for one year. 3. You will be put on telephone standby, in which case you have to call at a designated time. If that happens, with your next call, you could be told to call back later, you could be dismissed, or you could be told to show up at court, possibly within one hour.

If you have to appear at the courthouse, you get to just sit around and wait. If you're not picked for a jury that day, you might be dismissed or you might be instructed to return the next day.

Compensation in California is $5 per day, starting the second day of your jury service. I'm not sure if the clock for that starts ticking the first day you appear in court or the first day you're actually seated on a jury.

Employers may or may not pay their employees while they're serving jury duty. You may not be fired for serving jury duty.

You can claim hardship and may or may not be let off. Students are not exempt.
We all showed up by 830am and were scanned in via a barcode on the summons so they had a definitive list to draw into a roster. Then the Chief Justice of the county superior court came in and made a rather good 20 min. humour ridden pep-talk and introduced the chief sheriff, solicitor, and other powerful individuals. We went through a few more speeches and then watched a short film on the judicial process. After an hour we were informed that our bulk 220+ number had been assigned random groups numbering 1-19. At that point we were told to wait until a court needed a jury. As it was, there were 37 cases on the week. The serious criminal cases are up first since they take the longest time. Civil matters are pushed back to midweek since they take only a few days... which ultimately makes for a smoother court process as well as cutting down on the jerkaround factor for the jurors. Noone was called before lunch. The clerk informed us that all of the cases were jamming up with motions or settling. Nothing was going to happen before lunch... we were let loose for 90 min. We come back and the clerk informs us that a trial is being seated. The computer randomly picked from pools: 1,2,19. Names we then called one at a time and you were to remain in the order you were called as that is the exact way the jury would be sat. 24 people are sent off and only 12 will be chosen. There are various ways to be booted in the selection process... but a jury is 99.5% seatable out of the 24 to choose from. Once you are chosen you have your blue juror badge replaced with a red one. The red is a warning to everyone not to talk to you any longer... other jurists, lawyers, people relating to the case... you are now in a glass bulb of neutrality and only need listen to the case. I can't go more into the mechanics because I haven't experienced it yet.
my best friend, while in law school, wore a stupid hat and took a game boy into the jury box during selection to make himself look as silly as possible. it worked. a defense lawyer tossed him via that voir dire thingy that lets 'em toss a certain number of jurors from the pool without providing any reason at all.
unclehobart said:
I called the court office. My group was chosen to get assigned tomorrow.

For joy.

In I go.
Fry his ass! Give that jaywalker a date with the electric chair!
2minkey said:
my best friend, while in law school, wore a stupid hat and took a game boy into the jury box during selection to make himself look as silly as possible. it worked. a defense lawyer tossed him via that voir dire thingy that lets 'em toss a certain number of jurors from the pool without providing any reason at all.

Probably had more to do with the fact he was a Law student,not something a Defense Attorney would want.