just a quiet evening at home


Southern Discomfort
please forgive the lack of capitalization in this post. the reason will become obvious later.

so i get home from work yesterday and am anticipating a quiet relaxing evening. the kid's at a ball game at the school...who knows what might ''pop up'' in the interrim. allears' helped me bring some firewood up to the porch, and the legendary winds here are howling - 40-50mph easy.

we get back inside, and i'm sitting by the fire warming up. about half an hour passes, and i go to the couch, planning to talk for a few minutes then take a pain pill and help her cook deener. i look in her direction...and see an orange glow out the side window.

my field is on fire. and the winds have increased.

i tell allears'; to call 911, slip on my workboots, and take off toward my shed *opposite direction of the fire* to get shovels and such to beat the flames with. a car or two had already pulled into the yard, and some man i have never seen before runs into the shed with me. as i start back across the yard toward the fire, i fell and almost impaled myself on the shovel point. i landed on the exact spot the pancreatitis hurts the most. it hurt like bloody hell. i had ran out of one boot too. i finally got someone to get my boot, got back up, and started running again. by this time, the wind was snatching burning weeds etc and they were landing in trees, everywhere. one even landed on the roof of our neighbor's house.

at some point, the wind knocked my 240 pound body to the ground, and i fell on my left wrist. i had never broken a bone in my life, but i knew i had now. i couldnt get up because i couldn't put weight on my left wrist, and if i turned over to my right the wind knocked me back over. smoke was gagging me, i didn't know how close to any flame i was, and i was afraid my clothes were going to catch.

i finally get up and start beating the flames again. i noticed some fire fighters then. one kept trying to get me to go to the house so he could check my arm, but i think i was in shock...all i could think about was getting this fire put out no matter what.

eventually, it was put out with *miraculously* no property damage. my field got burned off...that was all.

as we talk with the firemen about what caused it, and rule out various things, they finally say that it had to be a cinder from the chimney that just didn't go out, and got caught in the wind and landed in the field at the wrong spot.

fast forward to the er. i am xrayed and informed that my wrist is not broken. it is shattered.

i'm in a splint past my elbow, and am supposed to see an orthopedist today. sounds like surgery. nifty. happy fucking holidays.

i am tremendously thankful that no one lost a house, that i am not more seriously hurt, and that i live where i do. there had to be fifteen cars in our yard last night, and i might have known three people among them. complete strangers were out in 60mph winds, temps just above freezing, to help someone they don't even know.

all in all, i am one lucky country fuck.
So I suppose that's your new excuse for not heading to Kansas this summer, eh?

Man, someone's trying to tell you something, and you need to pay a little more attention. He's gettin' serious.

Glad you lost nothing important. But it might be an idea to get a spark screen over your chimney. They're mandatory up at our cottage for exactly this reason. I'm guessing it was just grass in that field?
Thankfully, yes just grass. As it is very good for the soil to burn it off, last night would not have been my choice to do such things.

He left out the rest of the story....

As we are driving home from the ER last night, we come around the bend and notice that none of the houses have any lights on. We go a little more on our road and notice a tree down dodge that no problem, then KABOOM something hits the windshield, scared the shit out of us we notice it is the power line dangling. So, I am thankful we decided to hit McDonalds instead of throwing something together when we got home because we have no power. Call the electric company to let them know that the line is dangling in the road, they will get to it. 1:00a we finally have power again.

All-n-all the lengths SNP will go to to get out of a little :hump:
Holy Crap SNP! Talk about shitty luck. If it's not one thing it's another. Glad you're ok (sort of) and that nothing worse happened.

Just goes to show that people do have a heart and are willing to help when help is needed.
Nashville, that would not just be no but Hell NO!

You really do get used to the weather here. The winds are a trip.

Prof, you still gonna come hook that dish up for us?
you'll play hell too. i've had satellite dishes before. ain't you or nobody else can put one up here that'll stay pointed in the right direction longer than a month.
SouthernN'Proud said:
you'll play hell too. i've had satellite dishes before. ain't you or nobody else can put one up here that'll stay pointed in the right direction longer than a month.

Sunshine, if I can get the missus preggers just by giving her dirty looks, your dish is nothing. The wall or post would have to rip out to dislodge one of my installs.
How... exciting.
Man, what an evening. Sorry to hear it, SnP, glad nothing important (other than you anyway) was damaged.
i gotta do everything with one hand for awhile. the things i can't do, somebody else will have to chip in a bit. we manage.
I hear Greeneville has some nice nursing homes. That's good. At this rate you'll be needin' some soon. Damn son, country livin' is gettin' dangerous. I hear there's a For Sale sign near 321 & 107 ;)