SouthernN'Proud said:
OK, next question. For those brave enough to answer. I will later, after a few others have done so.
What words/terms/phrases do you use?
There is a point to this, and not the one you suspect.
I don't use all or most of these, but these are words used over here:
Blacks: Kaffir, zot, houtkop (I guess the literal translation would be woodhead???), Webster, darkies, greenies blah blah ad infinitum
Whites: Depends on your home language:
English people: Rooinek (redneck), soutie (salty), soutpiel (saltdick...kinda because they have one foot in England, one foot in Africa and their dicks hang in the water) blah blah ad infinitum
Afrikaans people: Dutchman, dutchie, rockspider, tappet, boer (depends largely on geographical location) blah blah ad infinitum
Coloureds (I think you call people of mixed race mulato?): Capie, halfbreeds, bushies blah blah ad infinitum
Indian people: Coolies, charra, curry muncher blah blah ad infinitum
Gays: Moffie, holstamper, chutney channel chasers, fudgepackers, boud kabouters, skeef, queer, blah blah ad infinitum
I use a lot of slurs, but I limit it to using it between people I know, including my multi-racial group of friends. I am completely not PC with my friends, but we all understand my use of the words is not ill intended, but is rather an in-joke between all of us, having a go at the PC people who are so frighteningly correct that they forget to remove the stick from their arses in order to just live and let live. I never use any such words when referring to people and especially not where it can be overheard and taken out of context by strangers.