Just curious

Do you use racial, ethnic or other "slurs" in your speech?

  • Yes, and I really don't care what you think about it.

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Yes, but much less often that I used to.

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Yes, but rarely and only in the presence of people I know well and trust.

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • No, but I used to.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • No, I never have done that.

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • No, and I'll slap the snot out of anyone who does so in my presence.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Shut up and fetch me a beer already.

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters
Gonz said:
Do, in context with a point. Avoid them in normal conversation, unless we're talking about rabble rousin' hillbiliies.

Yeah, we seem to be the exception to every good manners rule, the only people it is acceptable to ridicule. Wonder why that is, as everyone on here has made it crystal clear that I am wrong about that point already. Hmm.

Not my underlying point though, but thank you ever so much for making it nonetheless. As usual, you are my unwitting sidekick without even realizing it. :evilgrin:
I don't use them as part of regular conversation, I have used them in the past, and I try to avoid it.

I have grown, and learnt to hate the person, not the race.

OK, next question. For those brave enough to answer. I will later, after a few others have done so.

What words/terms/phrases do you use?

you know, the usual.

white bread
inbred hillbilly
banjo picker
Moc (short for morrocan, it's a jew hates jew thing)
mohammed monkey

and others.
Gonz said:
'spalin dat one lucy

derogitory term for french canadian

refers to the stereotypical meal of jos. louis avec un pepsi.

I am normally rather articulate. As I get increasingly tired or angry, it degenerates into a jumbled mix of profanity, usually like "cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker" or something.
The only one I use is *Paki* Otherwise, I think I am similar to Altron and I use profanity - but that can be in reference to any person, regardless of race.

"cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker" LMAO - it just feels good to say!! Especially in your car when some cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker cuts you off.... :D
Oh, in that situation, I also throw in a lot of car related profanity.

"cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker, you're lucky that I didn't shove 19 feet of michigan steel up your little bitch Japanese four-cylinder ass."
[backward-ass redneck racist hick] I have never seen such an "enlightened" group of adults with such total disdain for mentally retarded people and their families as you guys are. [/backward-ass redneck racist hick]
SouthernN'Proud said:
Serously, I do feel for anyone who joins here who happens to have a child who is mentally retarded.

You started the thread.:shrug:

I have a mentally challenged step-son and the word *retarded* is not offensive to me unless used to hurt someone specifically. When yelled in a string of profanities, it means nothing to me.
I have a minor and work experience in the field. At least in these parts, mentally retarded is not considered a slur, it is a medical condition. Yeah, it's been "prettied up" with more copacetic language, but the term mentally retarded is still acceptable.

In a way, this is part of what I am getting at with the thread. We as a society use more hurtful language than we realize. I know I for one am exponentially more careful about using words like retarded in casual conversation because of my previous work experience.
SouthernN'Proud said:
OK, next question. For those brave enough to answer. I will later, after a few others have done so.

What words/terms/phrases do you use?

There is a point to this, and not the one you suspect.

I don't use all or most of these, but these are words used over here:

Blacks: Kaffir, zot, houtkop (I guess the literal translation would be woodhead???), Webster, darkies, greenies blah blah ad infinitum
Whites: Depends on your home language:
English people: Rooinek (redneck), soutie (salty), soutpiel (saltdick...kinda because they have one foot in England, one foot in Africa and their dicks hang in the water) blah blah ad infinitum
Afrikaans people: Dutchman, dutchie, rockspider, tappet, boer (depends largely on geographical location) blah blah ad infinitum
Coloureds (I think you call people of mixed race mulato?): Capie, halfbreeds, bushies blah blah ad infinitum
Indian people: Coolies, charra, curry muncher blah blah ad infinitum
Gays: Moffie, holstamper, chutney channel chasers, fudgepackers, boud kabouters, skeef, queer, blah blah ad infinitum

I use a lot of slurs, but I limit it to using it between people I know, including my multi-racial group of friends. I am completely not PC with my friends, but we all understand my use of the words is not ill intended, but is rather an in-joke between all of us, having a go at the PC people who are so frighteningly correct that they forget to remove the stick from their arses in order to just live and let live. I never use any such words when referring to people and especially not where it can be overheard and taken out of context by strangers.
AlphaTroll said:
English people:soutpiel (saltdick...kinda because they have one foot in England, one foot in Africa and their dicks hang in the water) blah blah ad infinitum

If I'm calling someone a cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker, I'm not sure that I care if I use non-PC language.

The retard is more in there to pad things out. Actually, the whole thing is to pad things out. Cocksucking - I don't have anything against gay people. Retarded - I don't have anything against disabled people. Bitch - How could I have anything against the kind of woman who will jump in bed for a very reasonable fee? Ass - Chicks have them. That is a really good thing in my book. Motherfucker - I kinda felt bad for Oedipus when he gouged his eyes out.

In fact, the whole phrase is pretty much a glorified version of me saying "I am unhappy with you."
Altron said:
If I'm calling someone a cocksucking retarded bitch ass motherfucker, I'm not sure that I care if I use non-PC language.

The retard is more in there to pad things out. Actually, the whole thing is to pad things out. Cocksucking - I don't have anything against gay people. Retarded - I don't have anything against disabled people. Bitch - How could I have anything against the kind of woman who will jump in bed for a very reasonable fee? Ass - Chicks have them. That is a really good thing in my book. Motherfucker - I kinda felt bad for Oedipus when he gouged his eyes out.

In fact, the whole phrase is pretty much a glorified version of me saying "I am unhappy with you."

Far to verbose. It would be much more effective to jsut get right in his face, hold for a second, and quietly say "Bite me". Then drive your forehead into the bridge of his nose.

You have my personal guarentee that he'll get the message, and never forget it.