Just felt like...


New Member
...opening up a thread and going like :headbang:...

But now that you've all gathered here today to witness the birth of this miracle we call a 'Totally Nonsense Thread', I would like to take this oppertunity to ask you to read the following words, which together, if put in the right order, form a wonderful thing called a 'question':

What is the meaning of life? Is it all about giving the best you can, helping out others and making the world a better place to live, thus helping the next generation continue it's wonderful journey on this and maybe other planets, or is it just about headbanging? :headbang:

I'll vote for the second![/siz]
I think life its about headbanging with your hand amazingly still.

Sorry, I'm not gonna get over that anytime soon :D
Now everyone out there headbang with their hand still and make sure you capture it on video :headbang:

I've already seen Shadowfax trying it, didn't success though :headbang:[/siz]
I can do it again, see? :headbang:

* Psycho does his this-post-raised-my-postcount-dance

Last edited by Psycho on 8-4-1853 1:52 pm, edited 12342134 time in total[/siz]
Shadowfax said:
You're pretty quickly upset, aren't you Scanty? :D

No, I just kind of notice really insignificant detail that no one else cares about. :D This is a phenomena, everyone, I'm telling you. Psycho's gonna be rich...MEGA rich...