just plain WRONG


Well-Known Member
So, yesterday I walk into class and I sit in my usual seat at the back of the class. I put down my backpack so it's up against the back wall and, right there, next to my chair, is a plastic bottle. Now, that's not unusual - oftentimes someone forgets their empty drink bottle in the classroom and someone else throws it in the rubbishcan. So there I am, reaching down to pick it up and throw it away when I notice something unusual... namely, the color. I almost had my hand on it when I realized what it was - it was someone's DIP *gags* *gags somemore just thinking about it* .. now that is just WRONG on sooooo m any levels.
Luis G said:
I need some enlightment, DIP???? :confuse3:



dip = chewing tobacco that's been chewed and is now spit out

ewwww... dildo?????
when i was in the navy and staioned on the ship they were constantly "turning off the smoking lamp" (basically, saying no smoking on board for a variety of reasons) sometimes for hours on end...so there were alot of people that dipped instead...the majority of these folks being men...and we all know that most men couldn't find the trash can with a map and a flashlight...i was constantly throwing away spit cans...totally grody! at least the one you found was a closed container sick:
nalani said:

dip = chewing tobacco that's been chewed and is now spit out

ewwww... dildo?????

That's the closest i could think of that had a plastic bottle shape :D :D

Then I started to ask myself why would any woman leave her dildo? :lol:
That's nothing. My immediate thought was jizzum, and then I was thinking, who'd want do THAT in class, in a small little bottle. :faptard:
Luis G said:
That's the closest i could think of that had a plastic bottle shape :D :D

Then I started to ask myself why would any woman leave her dildo? :lol:

Don't feel bad, Luis. I hadn't a clue either. Kinda scary that there's actually a name for that. Even scarier is that a hawaiian woman knows it.
Dirty sod :sick:

Man, I used to think it was bad when yer found bits of old gum stuck under the desk :eh:

Always Coca Cola
tonks said:
at least the one you found was a closed container sick:

that's one of the grossest parts - the container wasn't closed .. can you imagine if I had tipped it over? *dry heaves just thinking about it*
You prefer the seat in the back of the class , the person who left the bottle probably does also ,you could always have someone keep an eye open for the perpetrator . :spank2:
There are worst things. Wasd at a bar once...a wee bit sloshed. Reached over for my beer and took a healthy swig..only to find that
a) It wasn't my beer
b) The beer's previous owner had used it as an ashtray and I had a beer-sodden sig-filter on ym tongue.
