Just so's y'all know...


Staff member
Chretien is no more...
OTTAWA - Promising sweeping changes within government and a new approach to politics, Paul Martin will be sworn in as Canada's 21st prime minister Friday.

arial]Paul Martin [/font]

Jean Chrétien will visit Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson at Rideau Hall Friday morning to hand in his official resignation. Clarkson, the Queen's representative in Canada, will then swear in the new prime minister.
I figured that...yous don't ever have much global coverage...hence the thread :p

Chretien announced he'd not be running for yet another term...so they had a leadership race, and Martin won. There'll be elections next year, but for now Martin is it, and I have no reason to suspect that he won't win the next election as there isn't any viable competition at the moment.
News coverage seems to have become a sparkly dog and pony show. If it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lead. Governmental direction shifts of close allies aren't apparently as good for ratings as following the latest and greatest twixt JLo and her consort of the day.
When I was in Canada last summer I fell in love with some kind of news channel that was available on the hotel basic stations. It was a 24/7 30 minute format like CNN and whatnot, but the personalities only took up like half of the screen. The rest was a sea of constantly changing information from all needed walks of life... financial, weather, tidbits. I was glued to it because it was more straightforward than flash and covered stuff from all over the world instead of the latest gossipy stuff. Do you know what I speak of, Les?
It's more than just a change of leadership, it's the end of a decade of Chretien as PM and over 40 years in politics. This man changed the face of Canada (positivly), and now that he's gone...I'm starting to get the shivers as to what Paul Martin will do.
well no...he's still in the liberal party...just...he's very financial minded as far as I've seen, and very monied too :eh:

and the news station, there are a couple...CBC newsworld, CTV News (can't remember the name) and of course local stations that do that format as well.
it's gonna be sad to see the man who can't speak either one of his mother tongues go :(
:rofl: Leslie :rofl:

Paul Martin's less of a socialist and more of a financier. He's going to cut a lot of spending in what he deems non-essential social reforms. Gun registration will dissapear, even though we've already spent the money and aren't likely to get it back. $5/day daycare is already going up to $7 but might have to go up again.

I don't like that we didn't vote for him, but I guess taht I can't do much until the next election, which he'll win anyway because the alternative is too scary to bear.

New Conservatives - ultra rightwing (anti gay, anti-abortion, anti healthcare)