Karma broked?


New Member
Wahhhh, I'm a cry baby,...11/23/03 01:03am:rofl: freako
Wahhhh, I'm a cry baby,...11/22/03 10:22pm:lol: BoP

I don't remember seeing a thread with that name, let alone posting in it, and when i click the link...

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Logged in user:Bungi [logout]
I believe the thread was removed. Believe me, it exists. At least, it existed. T'was damn funny.
Bungi said:
Wahhhh, I'm a cry baby,...11/23/03 01:03am:rofl: freako
Wahhhh, I'm a cry baby,...11/22/03 10:22pm:lol: BoP

I don't remember seeing a thread with that name, let alone posting in it, and when i click the link...

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Ohh yes, you posted in it.

something along the lines of: "ohh no, he's insulting us on the internet forum thing, whatever will we do"

Ohhhhh that! I remember now! thanks Luis :)

I thought that was the thread about the mensa test thingy though...
Bungi said:
Ohhhhh that! I remember now! thanks Luis :)

I thought that was the thread about the mensa test thingy though...

I made a few changes to the thread ;) :D