

We're having one of those great summer storms....Loud, rolling thunder...Lightening...warm torrential rain...

Think I'll go for a walk.... :D
I love it when it rains
Me too! It gets me in that cuddly, horny state of mind. Where is my boyfriend when I need him???

"...Like walkin' in the rain
Wishin' on the stars up above
And bein' so in love."
--Phil Spector

Occasionally being a well past your prime bar singer has it's uses. :D

thunder is :headbang: love walking outside when it's warm countries that is. over here it's cold rain, yuch
Wow...We just had a close proximity strike. Super loud and it knocked the power out for a second or two.... This is fun. :D
I have surge suppression. No UPS...Usually, when its like this, I stand on the deck and yell "God Sucks!" ....just to tempt fate...:D
i tell my 2 yr old that thunder is god bowling...hey, it works. i have to remember to explain it when she's older....
My favorite part of a thunderstorm is when the lightning strike is close enough so that you hear the zzzzt just before the bang. The house where I grew up was on the highest point for miles in any direction, we used to get them all the time. :zap:
tonks said:
i tell my 2 yr old that thunder is god bowling...hey, it works. i have to remember to explain it when she's older....

I tell my 2 year old (today 3) BTW Happy Birthday to my son....
I tell him its the andels hitting X while they r bowling, lol.