
I've stood out in downpours and just get drenched before, it's a lot of fun. Now two of my stores have had lightning strike very close to the building (they're not both the same place though ;) ) knocking out power for a long time, the first one was in 95 degree heat though and the next day with no AC was brutal at the store. The registers didn't work very well because the lightning fried the network card. The second one just knocked trees into the power lines leading into the store knocking out the power for 5 hours, no big deal. :D
it hasn't rained, much less stormed here for weeks :mope:
we had a great one in June, but that might be my excitement for the summer. on the upside though, the dry weather has virtually wiped out the mosquitos here

no rain = no mosquitoes here
no rain = no fun

I love the rain and it's been a long time since we had a real thunderstorm.
Happy When it Rains
(J. Reid/W.Reid)
Step back and watch the sweet thing
breaking everything she sees
she can take my darkest feeling
tear it up till i'm on me knees
plug into her electric cool
where things bend and break
and shake to the rule
talking fast couldn't tell me something
i would shed my skin for you
talking fast on the edge of nothing
i would break my back for you
don't know why, don't know why
things vaporise and rise to the sky
and we tried so hard
and we looked so good
and we lived our lives in black
but something about you felt like pain
you were my sunny day rain
you were the clouds in the sky
you were the darkest sky
but your lips spoke gold and honey
that's why i'm happy when it rains
i'm happy when it pours
looking at me enjoying something
that feels like feels like pain
to my brain
and if i tell you something
you take me back to nothing
i'm on the edge of something
you take me back
and i'm happy when it rains
I am indifferent to it.

I find it enhances 2 activities-both usually take place in a bed (welll "usually" is subjective).

Other than that, it mostly annoyes me because I cant get out and do things that need to be done.
tommyj27 said:
it hasn't rained, much less stormed here for weeks :mope:
we had a great one in June, but that might be my excitement for the summer. on the upside though, the dry weather has virtually wiped out the mosquitos here

Minnesota without mosquitos? I don't believe it. In fact, not only that, but no fucking way. :p