Kick ass cartoon strips


Well-Known Member
If you have a funny cartoon strip and can place a link here, that'd be great!

I'll start it off...this one just came in for me
Y'know, bleach, I always think of karaoke as evidence that not enough people have friends.
chcr said:
Y'know, bleach, I always think of karaoke as evidence that not enough people have friends.
there are just some songs that should not be sung at karaoke ie dream weaver and that more than words song by extreme. definite nonos
speaking of cartoon strips, I want to print one out and stick it on my wall really badly.

It's of ZITS and it's from either 2000 or 2001 where they show a crowded school hallway in one frame and a cattle herd in the next. I thought it was the funniest thing, since I was in H.S. those years.
chcr said:
Y'know, bleach, I always think of karaoke as evidence that not enough people have friends.

It is actually because they think they can sing. Some sing as if they were ccompletely convinced of their own amazing voice but unknowst to them they actually sound like a cat recieveing a anal prison style.

You see when our vocal cords vibrate air, the sound that is produced is bounced of our jaw bone changing the vibration frequency of the sound a bit so to most people their voice sounds difefrent then it actually sounds to the rest of us (you maybe surprised hearing your own recorded voice and realize it is far different from what you thought you sounded like). Usually the sound that you hear of your own sounds better than what others hear and hence your confusion that you can sing.
Buttcrackdevine said:
It is actually because they think they can sing.
Actually knew all that, BCD. You sound very different recorded than you do to yourself. My point is, friends might at least try to keep you from making a total ass of yourself. I won't do karaoke, and I can sing. I can also accompany myself, so who needs karaoke. I have heard good singers at karaoke bars but the bad ones outnumber them at least five to one.

CydCharisse said:
speaking of cartoon strips, I want to print one out and stick it on my wall really badly.

It's of ZITS and it's from either 2000 or 2001 where they show a crowded school hallway in one frame and a cattle herd in the next. I thought it was the funniest thing, since I was in H.S. those years.

my mom got me into that cause she thinks im just like the kid :lloyd: