Kids say the darnedest things

I know she's not a kid, but...

My grandma had another mental evaluation last weekend. The doctor asked her to make a big circle in the air with her finger and told her to imagine it was a clock. He asked her to point to 12 o'clock, and she said "it's at the top" and pointed it out correctly. He then asked her to point to 6 o'clock, and she said "it's in between the twelves, so it's on the bottom" and pointed it out correctly. He then asked her to point to 9 o'clock, and she said "I don't know where that is, it's after my bedtime." :D
LOL! That's funny, SL.

Dinner convo last night as Marlowe was eating from a Snow White and the 7 Dwarves bowl:
Marlowe - "Malry (that's how Marlowe says her name), Which dwarf is your favorite?"
Malory - "Happy"
Marlowe - "Which other one?"
Malory - "Dopey"
Marlowe - "Do you like Sneezy?"
Malory - "Yes"
Marlowe - "I like Nappy"
Me - "Who?"
Marlowe - "Nappy Dwarf"
Me, envisioning a less than kempt member of the Dwarf pack - "........yeah....there is no Nappy Dwarf"
Marlowe - "Yes there is! The one that's always tired!"
Me - "SLEEPY!"
Marlowe - "Oh....yeah, Sleepy"
For a Scot, this has a whole other meaning. A nappy is a diaper, which would make Nappy dwarf a shit head.
I think I posted this in the "listening now"-thread, but anyways:

I'm watching an Elton John video on youtube, and the Critter comes up behind me.
C: "You know why he's wearing those glasses, right?"
Me: "Hm?"
C: "It's because he's gay. People who wear glasses are gay."
I look up at him, look down to the glasses in his hand (he just removed his contacts), look back up. He looks down at his glasses, pauses, and..
C: Yeah, well.. I'm only gay at night."
Me: o_O
C: "When I read." :grinyes:
Remind me to get that laser treatment on my eyes. Here I thought that it had something to do with masturbation, and I've been gay all this time.

C: Yeah, well.. I'm only gay at night." :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl:
My mother-in-law had a conversation with my son the other night. He'd gone to the bathroom and come back into the dining room where we all were.

MIL - Did you wash your hands?
Son- No
MIL - Why not?
Son - I didn't hold my penis
MIL - You should. All good boys do.
Son - I didn't feel like a good boy...I forgot how.
MIL - You forgot how to hold your penis?
Son - No. *drops pants and undies, grabs penis* See!
MIL - (silence)

**He meant that he forgot how to be a good boy - a common line from him**

I witnessed it and laughed my head off, while my son just pulled up his pants and went off to play. :bgpimp:
I think I posted this in the "listening now"-thread, but anyways:

I'm watching an Elton John video on youtube, and the Critter comes up behind me.
C: "You know why he's wearing those glasses, right?"
Me: "Hm?"
C: "It's because he's gay. People who wear glasses are gay."
I look up at him, look down to the glasses in his hand (he just removed his contacts), look back up. He looks down at his glasses, pauses, and..
C: Yeah, well.. I'm only gay at night."
Me: o_O
C: "When I read." :grinyes:

I'm gay? Why didn't ya'll tell me? :lol:
My mother-in-law had a conversation with my son the other night. He'd gone to the bathroom and come back into the dining room where we all were.

MIL - Did you wash your hands?
Son- No
MIL - Why not?
Son - I didn't hold my penis
MIL - You should. All good boys do.
Son - I didn't feel like a good boy...I forgot how.
MIL - You forgot how to hold your penis?
Son - No. *drops pants and undies, grabs penis* See!
MIL - (silence)

**He meant that he forgot how to be a good boy - a common line from him**

I witnessed it and laughed my head off, while my son just pulled up his pants and went off to play. :bgpimp:

OMG! That is hilarious. I would have died of laughter.