Knocking sense into ex-patriots

Lopan said:
The other two are football match chants.

"You're going home in a fucking ambulance"
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"

Sung to opposition supporters
One of the reason's I'm ambivalent and certainly not pround to be British Gonz!
ClaireBear said:
One of the reason's I'm ambivalent and certainly not pround to be British Gonz!

you shouldnt let the other assholes who are British make you ashamed to be. Be proud to be British and be proud that you arent like them
freako104 said:
you shouldnt let the other assholes who are British make you ashamed to be. Be proud to be British and be proud that you arent like them

But I'm not proud and I'm not scathing... I just don't give a shit... :shrug:

It makes no odds what nationality you are in my opinion... all this "pledging allegiance" shite you guys do... creeps me out! I think its my humanist tendancies...
Sounds like something someone in an Island nation would say.

*Winky proud citizen of the worlds’ ONLY hyperpower nation*
ClaireBear said:
I think its my humanist tendancies...

Humanism is the belief that we can live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs. Humanists make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared human values. We seek to make the best of the one life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves. We take responsibility for our actions and work with others for the common good.

Such beliefs in the can also be stretched to include believing that good lives can be had without pledging allegience to a state, country or monarchy.
ClaireBear said: to make the best of the one life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves.

How spiffy. This message brought to you by the Oprah Winfrey International Existentialist Society, or OWIES for short...healing the world of its self inflicted booboos through better whining since 1967...
So thats a table for four so far... myself, BoP, Freako and Gonz!

Anymore for anymore... I think we'll go for Thai!!! :D