Knoxville slaying


Well-Known Member
KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) -- A man accused of fatally shooting two adults and wounding seven others at a Knoxville church told police the church's liberal teachings prompted him to attack, according to court papers.

Jim Adkisson said liberals should be killed because they're ruining the nation, according to an affidavit.


Jim David Adkisson told investigators all liberals should be killed and admitted he shot people Sunday morning at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, according to a search warrant affidavit obtained by CNN affiliate WBIR.

Also, a four-page letter police found in Adkisson's vehicle indicated he was motivated by frustration over being unable to obtain a job, authorities said Monday.

Police said Adkisson, 58, of Powell, Tennessee, walked into the church's sanctuary during a children's musical performance and fired a shotgun before being overpowered by congregants and arrested. Adkisson -- who police said wasn't a member of the church -- has been charged with one count of first-degree murder.

According to the affidavit requesting to search Adkisson's home, the suspect told investigators liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country. Adkisson also blamed Democrats for the country's decline, according to the affidavit.

"He felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of major media outlets," the affidavit said. "Because he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement ... he would then target those that had voted them into office."

More here
A lot of discussion on this over at the Internet Infidels.

** You can also post any services or vigils your congregation has scheduled or done here:



In addition, the UUA web site now has a page where you can post messages for those in the Tennessee congregations most affected by the incident:



And, a Knoxville Relief Fund has been established at this link:



In case anyone else is interested.

T (or any other mods), feel free to remove this if you think it's not appropriate.
this makes me sad. i go to a UU church sometimes. i don't understand what anyone could find so objectionable. it's sick that suggesting that maybe we should respect each other is seen as being "liberal"... i just don't get it.

The Seven UU Principles:

-The inherent worth and dignity of every person

-Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations

-Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations

-A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

-The right of conscience and the use of democratic process within our congregations and in society at large

-The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all

-Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
it's that whole part about "free... search for meaning" that is upsetting to those that cling to (other forms of) scripture.

it's better if we just do what daddy - in whatever form he takes - says. just ask any of the self-labeled "conservatives" around here that gratify themselves before the rules... even the ones that haven't been written yet.

the white zone is for loading and unloading only. if you're gonna load or unload, go to the white zone.
Would that have been a headline if the reading list started with Al Franken? This POS should have been shot.
Again let me state :
Are we to be judged by the books in our library? I fear you'd find me pretty confusing. Will you be burning them next? Folks are who they decide to be. Putting it off on what the read is a huge stretch as well as an injustice.
451ºF is too toasty to warm your buns by. IMO.

I'd confuzzle the hell out of people too if they perused my library. Hell, I even have a copy of the Anarchists' Cookbook down there somewhere.
Terrorists!!! Terrorists!!! Off with their heads!!!

*Hides his copy along with DO IT!: Scenarios of the Revolution.
Are we to be judged by the books in our library?

Absolutely not....or the video games you play or movies you watch.

However, if he'd been playing Grand Theft Auto or reading Micheal Moore manywould consider it the sole cause.
Really? I have the cookbook in PDF (v2000)....but the little red book?

Wow. Kewl!

Is it actually red or is it just an euphemism for communism?