Land of the "Free?"

You will be treated no matter what in an emergency. At some pont, when the dust settles, the proper billing will occur. At that point, your insurance (if you have it) should do its part, and you handle the balance. If you do not have private insurance, the good ol' boys at the Federal government (protecting us from ourselves since 1776!) have a program to provide it for you, and it kicks in. Supposedly. Or at least that's what they tell me.
HomeLAN said:
Frekao is incorrect. If you have a medical emergency, you will be treated. Every area of the country has hospitals that will take indigent cases. In Atlanta, it's Grady Memorial, and they have one of the best trauma centers in the southeast, if not the country.

However, be aware that the costs will come back to you. If you can pay, you will be charged.

Trash in my area is privatised. Go find a trash business, and pay their rates.

sorry but I thank you for the correct info. thanks
SouthernN'Proud said:
Never ever assume anything is the same all over the US. It isn't. Trust me...Tennessee is really three states instead of one, we just get credit for one of them. :lloyd:
Hell, we span two time zones. :D I'm pretty sure it's an hour later than it is here where SnP is. :D
SouthernN'Proud said:
You will be treated no matter what in an emergency. At some pont, when the dust settles, the proper billing will occur. At that point, your insurance (if you have it) should do its part, and you handle the balance. If you do not have private insurance, the good ol' boys at the Federal government (protecting us from ourselves since 1776!) have a program to provide it for you, and it kicks in. Supposedly. Or at least that's what they tell me.

So you treat health care like a prang in your car... Amazing!!!!

What about the medicare?
Private insurance can cover the baby thing. Many policies cover problem-free birth, some don't. Almost any major medical policy will cover birth complications.

Medicare and medicaid are meant to cover expenses for the elderly and disadvantaged, respectively. However, like any other government program, it's a piece of shit.
SouthernN'Proud said:
WTF is a prang?

Sorry... a "prang" is a small car accident... resulting in minor damage to the car and no injury to passengers... think Tonks and Unc the other week...

I think "prang" came about because of the onomatopeoic tendancy... the sound of two old chrome bumpers colliding!
chcr said:
Hell, we span two time zones. :D I'm pretty sure it's an hour later than it is here where SnP is. :D

At least you have time zones. What the f time is it in Indiana? No one ever really knows, even those of us who live here.

My town has free recycling pickup inside the city limits, garbage is $2 for a 36 gallon bag (though they will take up to a 40 gallon bag). If you live in the county you can take your garbage to a number of drop off sites, prices are the same.
You have to pay to get rid of your garbage? On top of taxes, I mean?

Another reason to stay where I am. Our taxes at least pay for the convenience centers throughout the county. Just load yer trash up, haul it to the center, dump it, and hope like hell you didn't puncture a tire on a nail or sumthin at the place. Out here in da sticks, if you want your trash picked up weekly, it costs ya some amount. But free to haul it off yourself. Part of your tax dollars at work for you. :thumbup:
My bro-inlaw was renting a dumpster, and a few family members in the area
where chipping in, but they quit chipping, so the dumpster when back.
So, I went to Lowes and got a 96gal can. (probably like what chic uses with bfi)

We separate our garbage to burn some of it, and I haul the non-burnable
stuff to the compactor once a month now. (the compactor is free)
catocom said:
We separate our garbage to burn some of it, and I haul the non-burnable
stuff to the compactor once a month now. (the compactor is free)

I burn yard waste and paper (what yard waste I don't compost) and work it into the garden. Our compactor is free too, I'm just lazy and BFI picks it up every Thursday so I don't have to fool with it.
ClaireBear said:
So tell me... what else do you guys not get for free? And by free I mean for a fraction of the actual cost by paying NI or Tax.. or not at all if you're in need!

We get NOTHING free. Somebody, somewhere, has to pay for everything.

Oh, by the way, this is true everywhere, including the UK.
Now Now Gonzo don't attempt to awaken them from their
blissful hypnotic state. If you ever succeeded,
they'd wake up screaming bloody murder.

The racket would bother the rest of us.
I pay for garbage, I think it's like 32 a month.
I'm trying to work out if there are services that we get "free" that you guys have to fork out to private companies for!
And I assure you, you do as well. Nothing is free.
ya they tack it all on my water bill
$39.00 bucks a month or so for:
Sewer service
Trash collection
5K gallons of water on average.

tack on a hundred or so bucks for
natural gas and electricity and there you go!

Oh and 600 bucks a year for property taxes

39 + 100 X 12 = 1668 + 600 / 12 = 189 a month
Its not the same everywhere bear. Our local council will only take 2 bags of rubbish a week, the rest we have to take to the tip.