-She's wireless. I've been meaning to test for this problem on cat5. However, as stated above, my laptop is also wireless and it has no problems whatsoever.Winky said:Did ya swap her cable on the router???
To another port?
can she surf while this VPN outage is in effect?
can she see the inside private network during this outage?
Could the VPN app (or is it totally Mickey soft driven) be
the sole culprit?
As stated above, all firewalls are disabled.Winky said:Don't tell me Winders Firewall is active on her comp?
Haven't checked the services, but it'll randomly work. A restart has no effect. It just stops working without warning.Winky said:are all the services.msc that pertain to VPN set similarly on both comps?
Could it be that one that is automatic on your comp is set to manual on hers?
and is sometimes failing to start?
I'll try keeping her on cat5 until the problem replicates.Winky said:hardware issue
Her, or me? Both of our laptops are on the same AP.Winky said:So you are on cat 5 fulltime then, huh?
Mirlyn said:She can browse the local network and surf the internet, but not ping or otherwise access resources over VPN tunnels. My laptop can and my desktop can.
Luis G said:And how exactly is your neighboor AP allowed to browse your local network?
Professur said:
Yeah, it was definately one of those "duh" moments. :smack:Professur said:Naw, he's the one that works in the field.
Camelyn said:Update:
This is what happened. We have been having some trouble with our internet connection recently, keeps dropping out. At one point, we connected to an unsecured wireless network in the neighbourhood from my laptop, just to test some stuff out. We thought we had removed it from the preferred networks list after testing, but apparently, we hadn't. So what would happen is that our network would drop out, and my laptop would automatically connect to the unsecured network instead, thus providing internet access, but no VPN, until I restarted AND our own wireless network was up and running.....