Late term Abortion Doc Shot Dead

Where does it say we have a right to vote? There are specific instances where voting may not be denied (race, sex) but there is no specific right to vote.
Where does it say we have a right to vote? There are specific instances where voting may not be denied (race, sex) but there is no specific right to vote.

Quite true. There is no right to vote. That is because of that little "clause 2" in the amendment.

Criminals and dishonorably discharged soldiers have no right to vote.


Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude--

Section 2.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

The government giveth and the government taketh away at their pleasure.
Here's hoping Scott Roeder gets the chair...
/raises her vodka tonic in a toast
Fry motherfucker fry.
Security tight for Tiller funeral

Hundreds are expected to turn out this morning under tight security for the funeral service for George Tiller, the Kansas physician specializing in late term abortions who was gunned down in the vestibule of his Lutheran church where he was working as an usher Sunday.

Department of Justice Opens Federal Probe Into Kansas Abortion Doctor's Murder

The Justice Department launched a federal probe Friday into whether the killing of a Kansas abortion doctor was part of a larger plot involving multiple accomplices.

Hours after the murder of abortionist George Tiller last week, 0bama expressed his sorrow and indignation with:

"I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence."

and AG Eric Holder ordered U.S. Marshals to protect abortion clinics. But no one has made any move to protect military recruitment centers. The lame stream media as well as the U.S. government have given this terrorist attack very little attention.

Three days after the recruitment center killing the best he can come up with is an abstract sadness at something that, he made sound as though it could as well have been a mere accident of fate:

“I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.” But no shock or outrage.

Meanwhile, a Hijab-wearing Islamic supremacist woman crashes memorial for Arkansas jihad victim, shouting, "Jesus was Muslim!"

DOJ issues statement “to protect American Muslims;” silent on protecting Americans from jihadists

You will be fascinated — among other reactions — by the latest statement issued by the Obama DOJ, issued yesterday after the president’s Cairo speech.

No, it’s not a statement condemning the jihadist in Arkansas who targeted our troops or the Bronx jihadi plotters who targeted Jews, infidels, and our troops.

It’s a statement “to protect American Muslims.”

New info released on recruiting center suspect

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A Muslim convert accused of killing a soldier outside a recruiting center may have been considering other targets including Jewish and Christian sites — and had the firepower to carry out more attacks, according to law enforcement officials.

After the attack, investigators searched a computer connected to Muhammad and found research into multiple sites in different states, according to the memo. Other cities were Atlanta; Louisville, Ky,: and Memphis, Tenn.

A joint FBI-Homeland Security intelligence assessment obtained by The Associated Press said officers found maps to Jewish organizations, a child-care center, a Baptist church, a post office and military recruiting centers in the southeastern U.S. and New York and Philadelphia.

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said investigators found Google Earth images of various places, including Times Square.

Search warrant affidavits showed that police recovered weapons and caches of ammunition from Muhammad’s truck and apartment. Officers confiscated an SKS assault rifle believed to be used in the shootings, a .22-caliber rifle with a laser sight, other firearms, Molotov cocktails, homemade silencers and compact disks with Arabic writing on them.
Why is the DoJ involved in a state murder case? Uncle Obama makes sure you're gonna be safe :shrug:
For the same reason they get involved when there is any possible larger plot against innocent citizens.

I hope they sell tickets to Scott Roeder's execution. I will by box seats. ;) :beerbang: Fry, motherfucker, fry!
A crazie goes after a controversial doctor & there's a plot? I thought that should be among those things that are self-evident.
The only good late term abortion doctor is
a dead late term abortion doctor.

A crazie goes after a controversial doctor & there's a plot? I thought that should be among those things that are self-evident.
FBI investigation... another terrorist investigation...
Oklahoma City bombing... Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols and The Midwest Bank Robbers.

Timothy McVeigh, a Roman Catholic, and Republican Party and NRA member, changed his politcal affiliations to Libertarian. Convicted of 11 counts of federal offenses (including, but not limited to, murder), he was executed in June 2001.

Terry Nichols, received a life sentence without possibility of parole for his part in the Oklahoma City bombing.

The Midwest Bank Robbers were somewhat linked.

'Nuf said. ;)
A crazie goes after a controversial doctor & there's a plot? I thought that should be among those things that are self-evident.

It's pretty common for them to get involved with extremist terrorism Gonz. Plus the guy is saying that there is a larger plot and more violence to come.
and not promoting carrying babies to term
assures you a seat up front by the lake of fire in Hell too???
Not the lake of fire! :laugh:

I'm not sure what gets you a seat in "hell" but i'd think shooting someone in a church would be asking for it.

Not carrying a baby to term to save the mother's life? Dunno.

Anywho, I do promote carrying babies to term. I'll just let other people make their own decisions.