Late term Abortion Doc Shot Dead

Not the lake of fire! :laugh:

I'm not sure what gets you a seat in "hell" but i'd think shooting someone in a church would be asking for it.

Not carrying a baby to term to save the mother's life? Dunno.

Anywho, I do promote carrying babies to term. I'll just let other people make their own decisions.

I promote letting wimmin live if they show their ankles in public. Plenty of other people think that's a stoning offence .... but we'll just let other people make their own decisions, eh?
I promote letting wimmin live if they show their ankles in public. Plenty of other people think that's a stoning offence .... but we'll just let other people make their own decisions, eh?

I'm against hitting kids some people think not hitting them is spoiling them. Should I let them make their own decisions?
Well, frankly, I see the gulf between spanking a disobedient child and administering a beating as being at least as large as the gulf between late term abortions and birthing the baby and immediately giving it up for adoption.

I think that parents should be allowed to spank, but not to the extent that it causes injury. Even leaving a handprint is too much. More than one swat is too much. Any contact in anger is too much. Pretty strict limits on spanking, doncha think? Personally, I feel that a child takes far more personal damage from a lecture on his inadequacy than from getting the seat of his pants dusted. A swat on the pants is .. "you did bad, it's over, don't do it again." A lecture will roll about in his head for days, if it makes any impression at all.
There's a pretty big gulf between abortions and stoning women for their ankles showing too. ;)
The cause is completely different. One is some left over religious fundamentalism and one isn't.
I wouldn't think people get abortions because of religious fundamentalism. Unless maybe there's some "out of wedlock" shame maybe.